以色列威胁将驱逐或逮捕阿拉法特 (时事追踪 ) | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003年07月18日08:32 环球时报 | ||
以色列外交人士周六说,如果巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿拉法特阻碍总理阿巴斯实施美国支持的中东和平“路线图”方案,以色列可能驱逐或逮捕他。一名以外交官说:“以色列已向华盛顿表示,如阿拉法特继续损害阿布·马赞(阿巴斯),我们就将考虑他的位置和地位。我们所说的地位指的是豁免权。” 巴方官员说,阿拉法特正试图削弱阿巴斯的权力,认为他在实施“路线图”要求的巴 Israel Threatens to Deport or Arrest Arafat Israel could deport or arrest Palestinian AuthorityChairmanYasser Arafat if he holds up prime minister Mahmoud Abbasseffortsto implement a U.S.—backed roadmap to MiddleEastpeace,Israelidiplomaticsources said on Saturday.Israelconveyed to Wash-ingtonthat if Arafatcontinues to under-mine AbuMazen(Abbas),we willre-consider his location and status,a sourcesaid.By status,wemean immu-nity. Palestinian officials say Arafat is try-ing toweakenAbbas,viewing him as too soft on Israel when it comestoim-plementing reciprocalmeasures re-quired by the road map enrouteto Palestinian statehood inthe West Bank and Gaza Stripby2005. On June 29,Abbas coaxed a tempo-rary truce out ofmilitantgroups.Israeli troops withdrew from the West Bank city ofBethlehemand areasof Gaza.
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