阿拉法特任命库赖为巴勒斯坦紧急内阁总理(时事追踪) | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003年10月09日07:47 环球时报 | |
在以色列北部发生严重自杀性爆炸事件后,巴勒斯坦领导人阿拉法特周日任命库赖为紧急内阁总理。 库赖对记者说:“阿拉法特总统已签署法令,成立一个由8人组成的紧急政府。”他说,紧急内阁将“运转一个月”,随后将争取赢得巴勒斯坦立法委员会的批准。此外,阿拉法特还宣布在约旦河西岸和加沙地带实施紧急状态。 巴立法委员会的消息人士称,这些举措将有助于巴领导层打击诸如哈马斯和伊斯兰圣战组织(杰哈德)这样的武装派别。杰哈德策划了周六发生在以色列海法的(自杀性)袭击事件,共有19人在此事件中丧生。关键词:IslamicJihad伊斯兰圣战组织(杰哈德) Arafat Names Qurei PM of Palestinian Emergency Cabinet Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat named Ahmed Qurei asprimeminister of an emergency cabinet on Sunday in the aftermath ofamassive suicide bombing in northern Israel. President Arafat has signed a de-cree creating aneight-mremer-gency government, Qurei told re-porters. He saidthegovernmentwould operate for one month after which it wouldseekthe approvalof the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC).Arafatalso declared astate of emergency in the West Bank andGazaStrip. PLC sources said the moves would help the Palestinianleadershiptolaunch a crackdown on militant fac-tions such as HamasandIslamicJi-had, the movement behind Saturdays attack inHaifa,whichcenter 19 people dead. | |