罗马尼亚否认与美国就导弹防御系统进行谈判(时事追踪) | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003年10月20日15:25 环球时报 | |
罗马尼亚外长杰瓦纳否认美国正在与罗谈判,要求在罗领土上部署导弹防御系统,以防范伊朗可能发动的导弹袭击。他说,美国从未向罗方提出这一要求。此前,一家德国报纸报道说,美国正在与罗马尼亚和保加利亚谈判,以便在这两个国家部署针对伊朗的导弹防御系统。关键词:MissileDefenseSystem导弹防御系统 Romania Denies Talks withUS on Missile Defense System Romanian Foreign Minister Mircea Geoana has denied that theUnitedStates was holding talks with Romani-a on installing inRomanianterritories a missile defense system against a potentialattack fromIran. He said there havent been such requests fromWashington. AGerman newspaper reported earlier that Washington washolding talkswithRomania and Bulgaria on deploying in the twocountries missilesdefense systems targeting at Iran. | |