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  The Full Text Geneva InitiativeIsraeli &PalestinianLeaders10/21/2003
Maps of old city & Territorial TransferThe GenevaAccord

  The following is the text of the Geneva Accord,obtainedexclusively by Haaretz

  Draft Permanent Status Agreement


  The State of Israel (hereinafter Israel) and thePalestineLiberation Organization (hereinafter PLO), therepresentative ofthe Palestinian people (hereinafter theParties):

  Reaffirming their determination to put an end to decadesofconfrontation and conflict, and to live in peacefulcoexistence,mutual dignity and security based on a just, lasting,andcomprehensive peace and achieving historic reconciliation;

  Recognizing that peace requires the transition from the logicofwar and confrontation to the logic of peace and cooperation,andthat acts and words characteristic of the state of war areneitherappropriate nor acceptable in the era of peace;

  Affirming their deep belief that the logic of peacerequirescompromise, and that the only viable solution is atwo-statesolution based on UNSC Resolution 242 and 338;

  Affirming that this agreement marks the recognition of thecenterof the Jewish people to statehood and the recognition of thecenterof the Palestinian people to statehood, without prejudice totheequal centers of the Parties respective citizens;

  Recognizing that after years of living in mutual fearandinsecurity, both peoples need to enter an era of peace,securityand stability, entailing all necessary actions by theparties toguarantee the realization of this era;

  Recognizing each others center to peaceful and secureexistencewithin secure and recognized boundaries free from threatsor actsof force;

  Determined to establish relations based on cooperation andthecommitment to live side by side as good neighbors aimingbothsetely and jointly to contribute to the well-being oftheirpeoples;

  Reaffirming their obligation to conduct themselves inconformitywith the norms of international law and the Charter ofthe UnitedNations;

  Confirming that this Agreement is concluded within theframeworkof the Middle East peace process initiated in Madrid inOctober1991, the Declaration of Principles of Septr 13, 1993,thesubsequent agreements including the Interim Agreement ofSeptr1995, the Wye River Memorandum of October 1998 and theSharmEl-Sheikh Memorandum of Septr 4, 1999, and the permanentstatusnegotiations including the Camp David Summit of July 2000,theClinton Ideas of Decr 2000, and the Taba Negotiations ofJanuary2001;

  Reiterating their commitment to United Nations SecurityCouncilResolutions 242, 338 and 1397 and confirming theirunderstandingthat this Agreement is based on, will lead to, and -by itsfulfillment - will constitute the full implementation oftheseresolutions and to the settlement of theIsraeli-Palestinianconflict in all its aspects;

  Declaring that this Agreement constitutes the realization ofthepermanent status peace component envisaged in PresidentBushsspeech of June 24, 2002 and in the Quartet Roadmapprocess;

  Declaring that this Agreement marks the historicreconciliationbetween the Palestinians and Israelis, and paves theway toreconciliation between the Arab World and Israel andtheestablishment of normal, peaceful relations between the Arabstatesand Israel in accordance with the relevant clauses of theBeirutArab League Resolution of March 28, 2002; and

  Resolved to pursue the goal of attaining a comprehensiveregionalpeace, thus contributing to stability, security,development andprosperity throughout the region;

  Have agreed on the following:Articles 1-4Article 1 - Purposeofthe Permanent Status Agreement

  1. The Permanent Status Agreement (hereinafter thisAgreement)ends the era of conflict and ushers in a new era basedon peace,cooperation, and good neighborly relations between theParties.

  2. The implementation of this Agreement will settle all theclaimsof the Parties arising from events occurring prior to itssignature.No further claims related to events prior to thisAgreement may beraised by either Party.

  Article 2 - Relations between the Parties

  1. The state of Israel shall recognize the state ofPalestine(hereinafter Palestine) upon its establishment. Thestate ofPalestine shall immediately recognize the state ofIsrael.

  2. The state of Palestine shall be the successor to the PLOwithall its centers and obligations.

  3. Israel and Palestine shall immediately establishfulldiplomatic and consular relations with each other and willexchangeresident Ambassadors, within one month of theirmutualrecognition.

  4. The Parties recognize Palestine and Israel as the homelandsoftheir respective peoples. The Parties are committed nottointerfere in each others internal affairs.

  5. This Agreement supercedes all prior agreements betweentheParties.

  6. Without prejudice to the commitments undertaken by them inthisAgreement, relations between Israel and Palestine shall bebasedupon the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.

  7. With a view to the advancement of the relations between thetwoStates and peoples, Palestine and Israel shall cooperate inareas ofcommon interest. These shall include, but are not limitedto,dialogue between their legislatures and stateinstitutions,cooperation between their appropriate localauthorities, promotionof non-governmental civil societycooperation, and joint programsand exchange in the areas ofculture, media, youth, science,education, environment, health,agriculture, tourism, and crimeprevention. The Israeli-PalestinianCooperation Committee willoversee this cooperation in accordancewith Article 8.

  8. The Parties shall cooperate in areas of jointeconomicinterest, to best realize the human potential of theirrespectivepeoples. In this regard, they will work bilaterally,regionally,and with the international community to maximize thebenefit ofpeace to the broadest cross-section of theirrespectivepopulations. Relevant standing bodies shall beestablished by theParties to this effect.

  9. The Parties shall establish robust modalities forsecuritycooperation, and engage in a comprehensive anduninterrupted effortto end terrorism and violence directed againsteach others persons,property, institutions or territory. Thiseffort shall continue atall times, and shall be insulated from anypossible crises andother aspects of the Parties relations.

  10. Israel and Palestine shall work together and setely withotherparties in the region to enhance and promote regionalcooperationand coordination in spheres of common interest.

  11. The Parties shall establish aministerial-levelPalestinian-Israeli High Steering Committee toguide, monitor, andfacilitate the process of implementation of thisAgreement, bothbilaterally and in accordance with the mechanisms inArticle 3hereunder.

  Article 3: Implementation and Verification Group1.Establishmentand Composition(a) An Implementation and VerificationGroup (IVG)shall hereby be established to facilitate, assist in,guarantee,monitor, and resolve disputes relating to theimplementation ofthis Agreement.

  (b) The IVG shall include the U.S., the Russian Federation,theEU, the UN, and other parties, both regional and international,tobe agreed on by the Parties.

  (c) The IVG shall work in coordination withthePalestinian-Israeli High Steering Committee established inArticle2/11 above and subsequent to that with theIsraeli-PalestinianCooperation Committee (IPCC) established inArticle 8hereunder.

  (d) The structure, procedures, and modalities of the IVG aresetforth below and detailed in Annex X.

  2. Structure(a) A senior political-level contact group(ContactGroup), composed of all the IVG mrs, shall be the highestauthorityin the IVG.

  (b) The Contactsgroupsshall appoint, in consultation withtheParties, a Special Representative who will be theprincipalexecutive of the IVG on the ground. The SpecialRepresentativeshall manage the work of the IVG and maintainconstant contact withthe Parties, the Palestinian-Israeli HighSteering Committee, andthe Contact Group.

  (c) The IVG permanent headquarters and secretariat shall bebasedin an agreed upon location in Jerusalem.

  (d) The IVG shall establish its bodies referred to inthisAgreement and additional bodies as it deems necessary. Thesebodiesshall be an integral part of and under the authority oftheIVG.

  (e) The Multinational Force (MF) established under Article 5shallbe an integral part of the IVG. The Special Representativeshall,subject to the approval of the Parties, appoint theCommander of theMF who shall be responsible for the daily commandof the MF. Detailsrelating to the Special Representative and MFForce Commander areset forth in Annex X.

  (f) The IVG shall establish a dispute settlement mechanism,inaccordance with Article 16.

  3. Coordination with the PartiesA Trilateral Committee composedofthe Special Representative and the Palestinian-Israeli HighSteeringCommittee shall be established and shall meet on at leasta monthlybasis to review the implementation of this Agreement. TheTrilateralCommittee will convene within 48 hours upon the requestof any ofthe three parties represented.

  4. nsIn addition to the ns specified elsewhere in thisAgreement,the IVG shall:(a) Take appropriate measures based on thereports itreceives from the MF,(b) Assist the Parties inimplementing theAgreement and preempt and promptly mediate disputeson theground.

  5. TerminationIn accordance with the progress intheimplementation of this Agreement, and with the fulfillment ofthespecific mandated ns, the IVG shall terminate its activities inthesaid spheres. The IVG shall continue to exist unlessotherwiseagreed by the Parties.

  Article 4 - Territory1. The International Borders betweentheStates of Palestine and Israel(a) In accordance withUNSCResolution 242 and 338, the border between the states ofPalestineand Israel shall be based on the June 4th 1967 lineswithreciprocal modifications on a 1:1 basis as set forth inattachedMap 1.

  (b) The Parties recognize the border, as set out in attachedMap1, as the permanent, secure and recognized internationalboundarybetween them.

  2. Sovereignty and Inviolability(a) The Parties recognizeandrespect each others sovereignty, territorial integrity,andpolitical independence, as well as the inviolability of eachothersterritory, including territorial waters, and airspace. Theyshallrespect this inviolability in accordance with this Agreement,theUN Charter, and other rules of international law.

  (b) The Parties recognize each others centers in theirexclusiveeconomic zones in accordance with international law.

  3. Israeli Withdrawal(a) Israel shall withdraw in accordancewithArticle 5.

  (b) Palestine shall assume responsibility for the areas fromwhichIsrael withdraws.

  (c) The transfer of authority from Israel to Palestine shall beinaccordance with Annex X.

  (d) The IVG shall monitor, verify, and facilitatetheimplementation of this Article.

  4. Demarcation(a) A Joint Technical Border Commission(Commission)composed of the two Parties shall be established toconduct thetechnical demarcation of the border in accordance withthis Article.The procedures governing the work of this Commissionare set forthin Annex X.

  (b) Any disagreement in the Commission shall be referred totheIVG in accordance with Annex X.

  (c) The physical demarcation of the international borders shallbecompleted by the Commission not later than nine months from thedateof the entrysintosforce of this Agreement.

  5. Settlements(a) The state of Israel shall be responsibleforresettling the Israelis residing in Palestinian sovereignterritoryoutside this territory.

  (b) The resettlement shall be completed according to theschedulestipulated in Article 5.

  (c) Existing arrangements in the West Bank and GazaStripregarding Israeli settlers and settlements, includingsecurity,shall remain in force in each of the settlements until thedateprescribed in the timetable for the completion of theevacuation ofthe relevant settlement.

  (d) Modalities for the assumption of authority over settlementsbyPalestine are set forth in Annex X. The IVG shall resolveanydisputes that may arise during its implementation.

  (e) Israel shall keep intact the immovableproperty,infrastructure and facilities in Israeli settlements tobetransferred to Palestinian sovereignty. An agreed inventoryshallbe drawn up by the Parties with the IVG in advance ofthecompletion of the evacuation and in accordance with Annex X.

  (f) The state of Palestine shall have exclusive title to alllandand any buildings, facilities, infrastructure or otherpropertyremaining in any of the settlements on the date prescribedin thetimetable for the completion of the evacuation ofthissettlement.

  6. Corridor(a) The states of Palestine and Israel shallestablisha corridor linking the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Thiscorridorshall:i. Be under Israeli sovereignty.ii. Be permanentlyopen.iii.Be under Palestinian administration in accordance withAnnex X ofthis Agreement. Palestinian law shall apply to personsusing andprocedures appertaining to the corridor.iv. Not disruptIsraelitransportation and other infrastructural networks, orendanger theenvironment, public safety or public health. Wherenecessary,engineering solutions will be sought to avoid suchdisruptions.v.Allow for the establishment of the necessaryinfrastructuralfacilities linking the West Bank and the GazaStrip.Infrastructural facilities shall be understood to include,interalia, pipelines, electrical and communications cables,andassociated equipment as detailed in Annex X.vi. Not be usedincontravention of this Agreement.

  (b) Defensive barriers shall be established along the corridorandPalestinians shall not enter Israel from this corridor, norshallIsraelis enter Palestine from the corridor.

  (c) The Parties shall seek the assistance of theinternationalcommunity in securing the financing for thecorridor.

  (d) The IVG shall guarantee the implementation of this Articleinaccordance with Annex X.

  (e) Any disputes arising between the Parties from the operationofthe corridor shall be resolved in accordance with Article16.

  (f) The arrangements set forth in this clause may onlybeterminated or revised by agreement of both Parties.

  Article 5 - SecurityArticle 5 - Security

  1. General Security Provisions(a) The Parties acknowledgethatmutual understanding and co-operation in security-relatedmatterswill form a significant part of their bilateral relationsand willfurther enhance regional security. Palestine and Israelshall basetheir security relations on cooperation, mutual trust,goodneighborly relations, and the protection of theirjointinterests.

  (b) Palestine and Israel each shall:i. Recognize and respecttheothers center to live in peace within secure andrecognizedboundaries free from the threat or acts of war, terrorismandviolence;ii. refrain from the threat or use of force againsttheterritorial integrity or political independence of the otherandshall settle all disputes between them by peacefulmeans;iii.refrain from joining, assisting, promoting orco-operating with anycoalition, organization or alliance of amilitary or securitycharacter, the tives or activities of whichinclude launchingaggression or other acts of hostility against theother;iv. refrainfrom organizing, encouraging, or allowing theformation ofirregular forces or armed bands, including mercenariesand militiaswithin their respective territory and prevent theirestablishment.In this respect, any existing irregular forces orarmed bands shallbe disbanded and prevented from reforming at anyfuture date;v.refrain from organizing, assisting, allowing, orparticipating inacts of violence in or against the other oracquiescing inactivities directed toward the commission of suchacts.

  (c) To further security cooperation, the Parties shall establishahigh level Joint Security Committee that shall meet on at leastamonthly basis. The Joint Security Committee shall have apermanentjoint office, and may establish such sub-committees as itdeemsnecessary, including sub-committees to immediatelyresolvelocalized tensions.

  2. Regional Securityi. Israel and Palestine shall worktogetherwith their neighbors and the international community tobuild asecure and stable Middle East, free from weapons ofmassdestruction, both conventional and non-conventional, in thecontextof a comprehensive, lasting, and stable peace, characterizedbyreconciliation, goodwill, and the renunciation of the useofforce.

  ii. To this end, the Parties shall work together to establisharegional security regime.

  3. Defense Characteristics of the Palestinian State(a) Noarmedforces, other than as specified in this Agreement, will bedeployedor stationed in Palestine.

  (b) Palestine shall be a non-militarized state, with astrongsecurity force. Accordingly, the limitations on the weaponsthatmay be purchased, owned, or used by the Palestinian SecurityForce(PSF) or manufactured in Palestine shall be specified in AnnexX.Any proposed changes to Annex X shall be considered by atrilateralcommittee composed of the two Parties and the MF. If noagreementis reached in the trilateral committee, the IVG may makeits ownrecommendations.i. No individuals or organizations inPalestineother than the PSF and the organs of the IVG, includingthe MF, maypurchase, possess, carry or use weapons except asprovided bylaw.

  (c) The PSF shall:i. Maintain border control;ii.Maintainlaw-and-order and perform police ns;iii. Performintelligence andsecurity ns;iv. Prevent terrorism;v. Conduct rescueand emergencymissions; andvi. Supplement essential communityservices whennecessary.

  (d) The MF shall monitor and verify compliance withthisclause.

  4. Terrorism(a) The Parties reject and condemn terrorismandviolence in all its forms and shall pursue publicpoliciesaccordingly. In addition, the parties shall refrain fromactionsand policies that are liable to nurture extremism andcreateconditions conducive to terrorism on either side.

  (b) The Parties shall take joint and, in theirrespectiveterritories, unilateral comprehensive and continuouseffortsagainst all aspects of violence and terrorism. These effortsshallinclude the prevention and preemption of such acts, andtheprosecution of their perpetrators.

  (c) To that end, the Parties shall maintain ongoingconsultation,cooperation, and exchange of information between theirrespectivesecurity forces.

  (d) A Trilateral Security Committee composed of the twoPartiesand the United States shall be formed to ensure theimplementationof this Article. The Trilateral Security Committeeshall developcomprehensive policies and guidelines to fightterrorism andviolence.

  5. Incitement(a) Without prejudice to freedom of expressionandother internationally recognized human centers, Israel andPalestineshall promulgate laws to prevent incitement toirredentism, racism,terrorism and violence and vigorously enforcethem.

  (b) The IVG shall assist the Parties in establishingguidelinesfor the implementation of this clause, and shall monitortheParties adherence thereto.

  6. Multinational Force(a) A Multinational Force (MF) shallbeestablished to provide security guarantees to the Parties, act asadeterrent, and oversee the implementation of therelevantprovisions of this Agreement.

  (b) The composition, structure and size of the MF are set forthinAnnex X.

  (c) To perform the ns specified in this Agreement, the MF shallbedeployed in the state of Palestine. The MF shall enter intotheappropriate Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the stateofPalestine.

  (d) In accordance with this Agreement, and as detailed in AnnexX,the MF shall:i. In light of the non-militarized nature ofthePalestinian state, protect the territorial integrity of thestateof Palestine.

  ii. Serve as a deterrent against external attacks thatcouldthreaten either of the Parties.

  iii. Deploy observers to areas adjacent to the lines oftheIsraeli withdrawal during the phases of this withdrawal,inaccordance with Annex X.

  iv. Deploy observers to monitor the territorial andmaritimeborders of the state of Palestine, as specified in clause5/13.

  v. Perform the ns on the Palestinian internationalbordercrossings specified in clause 5/12.

  vi. Perform the ns relating to the early warning stationsasspecified in clause 5/8.

  vii. Perform the ns specified in clause 5/3.

  viii. Perform the ns specified in clause 5/7.

  ix. Perform the ns specified in Article 10.

  x. Help in the enforcement of anti-terrorism measures.

  xi. Help in the training of the PSF.

  (e) In relation to the above, the MF shall report to andupdatethe IVG in accordance with Annex X.

  (f) The MF shall only be withdrawn or have its mandate changedbyagreement of the Parties.

  7. Evacuation(a) Israel shall withdraw all its militaryandsecurity personnel and equipment, including landmines, andallpersons employed to support them, and all militaryinstallationsfrom the territory of the state of Palestine, exceptas otherwiseagreed in Annex X, in stages.

  (b) The staged withdrawals shall commence immediately uponentryinto force of this Agreement and shall be made in accordancewiththe timetable and modalities set forth in Annex X.

  (c) The stages shall be designed subject to thefollowingprinciples:i. The need to create immediate clearcontiguity andfacilitate the early implementation of Palestiniandevelopmentplans.

  ii. Israels capacity to relocate, house and absorbsettlers.While costs and inconveniences are inherent in such aprocess,these shall not be unduly disruptive.

  iii. The need to construct and operationalize the borderbetweenthe two states.

  iv. The introduction and effective ning of the MF, inparticularon the eastern border of the state of Palestine.

  (d) Accordingly, the withdrawal shall be implemented inthefollowing stages:i. The first stage shall include the areas ofthestate of Palestine, as defined in Map X, and shall becompletedwithin 9 months.

  ii. The second and third stages shall include the remainder oftheterritory of the state of Palestine and shall be completedwithin 21months of the end of the first stage.

  (e) Israel shall complete its withdrawal from the territory ofthestate of Palestine within 30 months of the entrysintosforce ofthisAgreement, and in accordance with this Agreement.

  (f) Israel will maintain a small military presence in theJordanValley under the authority of the MF and subject to the MFSOFA asdetailed in Annex X for an additional 36 months. Thestipulatedperiod may be reviewed by the Parties in the event ofrelevantregional developments, and may be altered by thePartiesconsent.

  (g) In accordance with Annex X, the MF shall monitor andverifycompliance with this clause.

  8. Early Warning Stations(a) Israel may maintain two EWS inthenorthern, and central West Bank at the locations set forth inAnnexX.

  (b) The EWS shall be staffed by the minimal required numberofIsraeli personnel and shall occupy the minimal amount oflandnecessary for their operation as set forth in Annex X.

  (c) Access to the EWS will be guaranteed and escorted bytheMF.

  (d) Internal security of the EWS shall be the responsibilityofIsrael. The perimeter security of the EWS shall betheresponsibility of the MF.

  (e) The MF and the PSF shall maintain a liaison presence intheEWS. The MF shall monitor and verify that the EWS is being usedforpurposes recognized by this Agreement as detailed in AnnexX.

  (f) The arrangements set forth in this Article shall be subjecttoreview in ten years, with any changes to be mutuallyagreed.Thereafter, there will be five-yearly reviews wherebythearrangements set forth in this Article may be extended bymutualconsent.

  (g) If at any point during the period specified above aregionalsecurity regime is established, then the IVG may requestthat theParties review whether to continue or revise operationaluses forthe EWS in light of these developments. Any such changewillrequire the mutual consent of the Parties.

  9. Airspace(a) Civil Aviationi. The Parties recognizeasapplicable to each other the centers, privileges andobligationsprovided for by the multilateral aviation agreements towhich theyare both party, particularly by the 1944 ConventiononInternational Civil Aviation (The Chicago Convention) and the1944International Air Services Transit Agreement.

  ii. In addition, the Parties shall, upon entrysintosforce ofthisAgreement, establish a trilateral committee composed of thetwoParties and the IVG to design the most efficient managementsystemfor civil aviation, including those relevant aspects of theairtraffic control system. In the absence of consensus the IVGmaymake its own recommendations.

  (b) Trainingi. The Israeli Air Force shall be entitled to usethePalestinian sovereign airspace for training purposes inaccordancewith Annex X, which shall be based on rules pertaining toIAF useof Israeli airspace.

  ii. The IVG shall monitor and verify compliance with thisclause.Either Party may submit a complaint to the IVG whosedecision shallbe conclusive.

  iii. The arrangements set forth in this clause shall be subjecttoreview every ten years, and may be altered or terminated bytheagreement of both Parties.

  10. Electromagnetic Sphere(a) Neither Partys use oftheelectromagnetic sphere may interfere with the otherPartysuse.

  (b) Annex X shall detail arrangements relating to the use oftheelectromagnetic sphere.

  (c) The IVG shall monitor and verify the implementation ofthisclause and Annex X.

  (d) Any Party may submit a complaint to the IVG whosedecisionshall be conclusive.

  11. Law EnforcementThe Israeli and Palestinian lawenforcementagencies shall cooperate in combating illicit drugtrafficking,illegal trafficking in archaeological artifacts and tsof arts,cross-border crime, including theft and fraud, organizedcrime,trafficking in women and minors, counterfeiting, pirate TVandradio stations, and other illegal activity.

  12. International Border Crossings(a) The followingarrangementsshall apply to borders crossing between the state ofPalestine andJordan, the state of Palestine and Egypt, as well asairport andseaport entry points to the state of Palestine.

  (b) All border crossings shall be monitored by jointteamscomposed of mrs of the PSF and the MF. These teams shallpreventthe entrysintosPalestine of any weapons, materials orequipmentthat are in contravention of the provisions of thisAgreement.

  (c) The MF representatives and the PSF will have, jointlyandsetely, the authority to block the entrysintosPalestine of anysuchitems. If at any time a disagreement regarding the entranceofgoods or materials arises between the PSF and theMFrepresentatives, the PSF may bring the matter to the IVG,whosebinding conclusions shall be rendered within 24 hours.

  (d) This arrangement shall be reviewed by the IVG after 5 yearstodetermine its continuation, modification or termination.Thereafter,the Palestinian party may request such a review on anannualbasis.

  (e) In passenger terminals, for thirty months, Israel maymaintainan unseen presence in a designated on-site facility, to bestaffedby mrs of the MF and Israelis, utilizing appropriatetechnology. TheIsraeli side may request that the MF-PSF conductfurther inspectionsand take appropriate action.

  (f) For the following two years, these arrangements willcontinuein a specially designated facility in Israel, utilizingappropriatetechnology. This shall not cause delays beyond theproceduresoutlined in this clause.

  (g) In cargo terminals, for thirty months, Israel may maintainanunseen presence in a designated on-site facility, to be staffedbymrs of the MF and Israelis, utilizing appropriate technology.TheIsraeli side may request that the MF-PSF conductfurtherinspections and take appropriate action. If the Israeli sideis notsatisfied by the MF-PSF action, it may demand that the cargobedetained pending a decision by an MF inspector. The MFinspectorsdecision shall be binding and final, and shall berendered within12 hours of the Israeli complaint.

  (h) For the following three years, these arrangementswillcontinue from a specially designated facility in Israel,utilizingappropriate technology. This shall not cause delays beyondthetimelines outlined in this clause.

  (i) A high level trilateral committee composed ofrepresentativesof Palestine, Israel, and the IVG shall meetregularly to monitorthe application of these procedures and correctany irregularities,and may be convened on request.

  (j) The details of the above are set forth in Annex X.

  13. Border Control(a) The PSF shall maintain border controlasdetailed in Annex X.

  (b) The MF shall monitor and verify the maintenance ofbordercontrol by the PSF.

  Article 6 Jerusalem

  Article 6 - Jerusalem

  1. Religious and Cultural Significance:(a) The Partiesrecognizethe universal historic, religious, spiritual, andculturalsignificance of Jerusalem and its holiness enshrined inJudaism,Christianity, and Islam. In recognition of this status, thePartiesreaffirm their commitment to safeguard the character,holiness, andfreedom of worship in the city and to respect theexisting divisionof administrative ns and traditional practicesbetween differentdenominations.

  (b) The Parties shall establish an inter-faith body consistingofrepresentatives of the three monotheistic faiths, to act asaconsultative body to the Parties on matters related to thecitysreligious significance and to promote inter-religiousunderstandingand dialogue. The composition, procedures, andmodalities for thisbody are set forth in Annex X.

  2. Capital of Two StatesThe Parties shall have theirmutuallyrecognized capitals in the areas of Jerusalem undertheirrespective sovereignty.

  3. SovereigntySovereignty in Jerusalem shall be in accordancewithattached Map 2. This shall not prejudice nor be prejudiced bythearrangements set forth below.

  4. Border RegimeThe border regime shall be designed accordingtothe provisions of Article 11, and takingsintosaccount thespecificneeds of Jerusalem (e.g., movement of tourists andintensity ofborder crossing use including provisions forJerusalemites) and theprovisions of this Article.

  5. al-Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount (Compound)(a)InternationalGroupi. An International Group, composed of the IVGand otherparties to be agreed upon by the Parties, including mrs oftheOrganization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), shall herebybeestablished to monitor, verify, and assist in the implementationofthis clause.

  ii. For this purpose, the Internationalsgroupsshall establishaMultinational Presence on the Compound, the composition,structure,mandate and ns of which are set forth in Annex X.

  iii. The Multinational Presence shall have specializeddetachmentsdealing with security and conservation. TheMultinational Presenceshall make periodic conservation andsecurity reports to theInternational Group. These reports shall bemade public.

  iv. The Multinational Presence shall strive to immediatelyresolveany problems arising and may refer any unresolved disputesto theInternationalsgroupsthat will n in accordance with Article16.

  v. The Parties may at any time request clarifications orsubmitcomplaints to the Internationalsgroupswhich shall bepromptlyinvestigated and acted upon.

  vi. The Internationalsgroupsshall draw up rules and regulationstomaintain security on and conservation of the Compound. Theseshallinclude lists of the weapons and equipment permitted onthesite.

  (b) Regulations Regarding the Compoundi. In view of thesanctityof the Compound, and in light of the unique religious andculturalsignificance of the site to the Jewish people, there shallbe nodigging, excavation, or construction on the Compound,unlessapproved by the two Parties. Procedures for regularmaintenance andemergency repairs on the Compound shall beestablished by the IGafter consultation with the Parties.

  ii. The state of Palestine shall be responsible formaintainingthe security of the Compound and for ensuring that itwill not beused for any hostile acts against Israelis or Israeliareas. Theonly arms permitted on the Compound shall be thosecarried by thePalestinian security personnel and the securitydetachment of theMultinational Presence.

  iii. In light of the universal significance of the Compound,andsubject to security considerations and to the need not todisruptreligious worship or decorum on the site as determined bythe Waqf,visitors shall be allowed access to the site. This shallbe withoutany discrimination and generally be in accordance withpastpractice.

  (c) Transfer of Authorityi. At the end of the withdrawalperiodstipulated in Article 5/7, the state of Palestine shallassertsovereignty over the Compound.

  ii. The Internationalsgroupsand its subsidiary organsshallcontinue to exist and fulfill all the ns stipulated in thisArticleunless otherwise agreed by the two Parties.

  6. The Wailing WallThe Wailing Wall shall be underIsraelisovereignty.

  7. The Old City(a) Significance of the Old Cityi. The Partiesviewthe Old City as one whole enjoying a unique character. ThePartiesagree that the preservation of this unique charactertogether withsafeguarding and promoting the welfare of theinhabitants shouldguide the administration of the Old City.

  ii. The Parties shall act in accordance with the UNESCOWorldCultural Heritage List regulations, in which the Old City isaregistered site.

  (b)IVG Role in the Old Cityi. Cultural Heritage1. The IVGshallmonitor and verify the preservation of cultural heritage inthe OldCity in accordance with the UNESCO World Cultural HeritageListrules. For this purpose, the IVG shall have free andunimpededaccess to sites, documents, and information related totheperformance of this n.2. The IVG shall work in closecoordinationwith the Old City Committee of the JerusalemCoordination andDevelopment Committee (JCDC), including in devisinga restorationand preservation plan for the Old City.

  ii. Policing1. The IVG shall establish an Old City PolicingUnit(PU) to liaise with, coordinate between, and assist thePalestinianand Israeli police forces in the Old City, to defuselocalizedtensions and help resolve disputes, and to performpolicing dutiesin locations specified in and according tooperational proceduresdetailed in Annex X.2. The PU shallperiodically report to theIVG.

  iii. Either Party may submit complaints in relation to thisclauseto the IVG, which shall promptly act upon them in accordancewithArticle 16.

  (c) Free Movement within the Old CityMovement within the OldCityshall be free and unimpeded subject to the provisions ofthisarticle and rules and regulations pertaining to the variousholysites.

  (d) Entrysintosand Exit from the Old Cityi. Entry and exitpointsinto and from the Old City will be staffed by the authoritiesofthe state under whose sovereignty the point falls, withthepresence of PU mrs, unless otherwise specified.

  ii. With a view to facilitating movementsintosthe Old City,eachParty shall take such measures at the entry points in itsterritoryas to ensure the preservation of security in the Old City.The PUshall monitor the operation of the entry points.

  iii. Citizens of either Party may not exit the Old City intotheterritory of the other Party unless they are in possession oftherelevant documentation that entitles them to. Tourists mayonlyexit the Old Citysintosthe territory of the Party which theypossesvalid authorization to enter.

  (e) Suspension, Termination, and Expansioni. Either Partymaysuspend the arrangements set forth in Article 6.7.iii in casesofemergency for one week. The extension of such suspension forlongerthan a week shall be pursuant to consultation with the otherPartyand the IVG at the Trilateral Committee established inArticle3/3.

  ii. This clause shall not apply to the arrangements set forthinArticle 6/7/vi.

  iii. Three years after the transfer of authority over theOldCity, the Parties shall review these arrangements.Thesearrangements may only be terminated by agreement oftheParties.

  iv. The Parties shall examine the possibility of expandingthesearrangements beyond the Old City and may agree to suchanexpansion.

  (f) Special Arrangementsi. Along the way outlined in Map X(fromthe Jaffa Gate to the Zion Gate) there will be permanentandguaranteed arrangements for Israelis regarding access, freedomofmovement, and security, as set forth in Annex X.1. The IVG shallberesponsible for the implementation of these arrangements.

  ii. Without prejudice to Palestinian sovereignty,Israeliadministration of the Citadel will be as outlined in AnnexX.

  (g) Color-Coding of the Old CityA visible color-codingschemeshall be used in the Old City to denote the sovereign areasof therespective Parties.

  (h) Policingi. An agreed number of Israeli police shallconstitutethe Israeli Old City police detachment and shallexerciseresponsibility for maintainingsgroupsand day-to-daypolicing ns inthe area under Israeli sovereignty.

  ii. An agreed number of Palestinian police shall constitutethePalestinian Old City police detachment and shallexerciseresponsibility for maintainingsgroupsand day-to-daypolicing ns inthe area under Palestinian sovereignty.

  iii. All mrs of the respective Israeli and Palestinian OldCitypolice detachments shall undergo special training, includingjointtraining exercises, to be administered by the PU.

  iv. A special Joint Situation Room, under the direction of thePUand incorporating mrs of the Israeli and Palestinian OldCitypolice detachments, shall facilitate liaison on allrelevantmatters of policing and security in the Old City.

  (i) ArmsNo person shall be allowed to carry or possess arms intheOld City, with the exception of the Police Forces provided forinthis agreement. In addition, each Party may grant specialwrittenpermission to carry or possess arms in areas underitssovereignty.

  (j) Intelligence and Securityi. The Parties shallestablishintensive intelligence cooperation regarding the OldCity,including the immediate sharing of threat information.

  ii. A trilateral committee composed of the two Partiesandrepresentatives of the United States shall be establishedtofacilitate this cooperation.

  8. Mount of Olives Cemetery(a) The area outlined in Map X(theJewish Cemetery on the Mount of Olives) shall be underIsraeliadministration; Israeli law shall apply to persons usingandprocedures appertaining to this area in accordance with AnnexX.i.There shall be a designated road to provide free, unlimited,andunimpeded access to the Cemetery.

  ii. The IVG shall monitor the implementation of this clause.

  iii. This arrangement may only be terminated by the agreementofboth Parties.

  9. Special Cemetery ArrangementsArrangements shall beestablishedin the two cemeteries designated in Map X (Mount ZionCemetery andthe German Colony Cemetery), to facilitate and ensurethecontinuation of the current burial and visitationpractices,including the facilitation of access.

  10. The Western Wall Tunnel(a) The Western Wall Tunneldesignatedin Map X shall be under Israeli administration,including:i.Unrestricted Israeli access and center to worship andconductreligious practices.ii. Responsibility for the preservationandmaintenance of the site in accordance with this Agreementandwithout damaging structures above, under IVGsupervision.iii.Israeli policing.iv. IVG monitoringv. The NorthernExit of theTunnel shall only be used for exit and may only beclosed in caseof emergency as stipulated in Article 6/7.

  (b) This arrangement may only be terminated by the agreementofboth Parties.

  11. Municipal Coordination(a) The two Jerusalemmunicipalitiesshall form a Jerusalem Co-ordination and DevelopmentCommittee(JCDC) to oversee the cooperation and coordinationbetween thePalestinian Jerusalem municipality and the IsraeliJerusalemmunicipality. The JCDC and its sub-committees shall becomposed ofan equal number of representatives from Palestine andIsrael. Eachside will appoint mrs of the JCDC and its subcommitteesinaccordance with its own modalities.

  (b) The JCDC shall ensure that the coordination ofinfrastructureand services best serves the residents of Jerusalem,and shallpromote the economic development of the city to thebenefit of all.The JCDC will act to encourage cross-communitydialogue andreconciliation.

  (c) The JCDC shall have the following subcommittees:i. APlanningand Zoning Committee: to ensure agreed planning andzoningregulations in areas designated in Annex X.

  ii. A Hydro Infrastructure Committee: to handle mattersrelatingto drinking water delivery, drainage, and wastewatercollection andtreatment.

  iii. A Transport Committee: to coordinate relevantconnectednessand compatibility of the two road systems and otherissuespertaining to transport.

  iv. An Environmental Committee: to deal with environmentalissuesaffecting the quality of life in the city, including solidwastemanagement.

  v. An Economic and Development Committee: to formulate plansforeconomic development in areas of joint interest, including intheareas of transportation, seam line commercial cooperation,andtourism.

  vi. A Police and Emergency Services Committee: tocoordinatemeasures for the maintenance of publicsgroupsand crimepreventionand the provision of emergency services;

  vii. An Old City Committee: to plan and closely coordinatethejoint provision of the relevant municipal services, and othernsstipulated in Article 6/7.

  viii. Other Committees as agreed in the JCDC.

  12. Israeli Residency of PalestinianJerusalemitesPalestinianJerusalemites who currently are permanentresidents of Israel shalllose this status upon the transfer ofauthority to Palestine ofthose areas in which they reside.

  13. Transfer of authorityThe Parties will apply incertainsocio-economic spheres interim measures to ensure theagreed,expeditious, and orderly transfer of powers and obligationsfromIsrael to Palestine. This shall be done in a manner thatpreservesthe accumulated socio-economic centers of the residents ofEastJerusalem.

  Article 7 Refugees

  Article 7 - Refugees

  1. Significance of the Refugee Problem(a) The Partiesrecognizethat, in the context of two independent states, PalestineandIsrael, living side by side in peace, an agreed resolution oftherefugee problem is necessary for achieving a just,comprehensiveand lasting peace between them.

  (b) Such a resolution will also be central to stabilitybuildingand development in the region.

  2. UNGAR 194, UNSC Resolution 242, and the ArabPeaceInitiative(a) The Parties recognize that UNGAR 194, UNSCResolution242, and the Arab Peace Initiative (Article 2.ii.)concerning thecenters of the Palestinian refugees represent thebasis forresolving the refugee issue, and agree that these centersarefulfilled according to Article 7 of this Agreement.

  3. Compensation(a) Refugees shall be entitled to compensationfortheir refugeehood and for loss of property. This shallnotprejudice or be prejudiced by the refugees permanent placeofresidence.

  (b) The Parties recognize the center of states that havehostedPalestinian refugees to remuneration.

  4. Choice of Permanent Place of Residence (PPR)The solution tothePPR aspect of the refugee problem shall entail an act ofinformedchoice on the part of the refugee to be exercised inaccordance withthe options and modalities set forth in thisagreement. PPR optionsfrom which the refugees may choose shall beas follows;(a) The stateof Palestine, in accordance with clause abelow.(b) Areas in Israelbeing transferred to Palestine in theland swap, followingassumption of Palestinian sovereignty, inaccordance with clause abelow.(c) Third Countries, in accordancewith clause b below.(d) Thestate of Israel, in accordance withclause c below.(e) Present Hostcountries, in accordance withclause d below.i. PPR options i and iishall be the center of allPalestinian refugees and shall be inaccordance with the laws ofthe State of Palestine.ii. Option iiishall be at the sovereigndiscretion of third countries and shall bein accordance withnumbers that each third country will submit tothe InternationalCommission. These numbers shall represent thetotal number ofPalestinian refugees that each third country shallaccept.iii.Option iv shall be at the sovereign discretion of Israeland willbe in accordance with a number that Israel will submit totheInternational Commission. This number shall represent thetotalnumber of Palestinian refugees that Israel shall accept. Asabasis, Israel will consider the average of the totalnumberssubmitted by the different third countries to theInternationalCommission.iv. Option v shall be in accordance withthe sovereigndiscretion of present host countries.swheresexercisedthis shall bein the context of prompt and extensive developmentandrehabilitation programs for the refugee communities.

  Priority in all the above shall be accorded to thePalestinianrefugee population in Lebanon.

  5. Free and Informed ChoiceThe process by whichPalestinianrefugees shall express their PPR choice shall be on thebasis of afree and informed decision. The Parties themselves arecommittedand will encourage third parties to facilitate therefugees freechoice in expressing their preferences, and tocountering anyattempts at interference or organized pressure on theprocess ofchoice. This will not prejudice the recognition ofPalestine as therealization of Palestinian self-determination andstatehood.

  6. End of Refugee StatusPalestinian refugee status shallbeterminated upon the realization of an individual refugeepermanentplace of residence (PPR) as determined by theInternationalCommission.

  7. End of ClaimsThis agreement provides for the permanentandcomplete resolution of the Palestinian refugee problem. Noclaimsmay be raised except for those related to the implementationofthis agreement.

  8. International RoleThe Parties call upon theinternationalcommunity to participate fully in the comprehensiveresolution ofthe refugee problem in accordance with this Agreement,including,inter alia, the establishment of an InternationalCommission and anInternational Fund.

  9. Property Compensation(a) Refugees shall be compensated fortheloss of property resulting from their displacement.

  (b) The aggregate sum of property compensation shall becalculatedas follows:i. The Parties shall request theInternational Commissionto appoint a Panel of Experts to estimatethe value of Palestiniansproperty at the time ofdisplacement.

  ii. The Panel of Experts shall base its assessment on theUNCCPrecords, the records of the Custodian for Absentee Property,andany other records it deems relevant. The Parties shall maketheserecords available to the Panel.

  iii. The Parties shall appoint experts to advise and assistthePanel in its work.

  iv. Within 6 months, the Panel shall submit its estimates totheParties.

  v. The Parties shall agree on an economic multiplier, tobeapplied to the estimates, to reach a fair aggregate value oftheproperty.

  (c) The aggregate value agreed to by the Parties shallconstitutethe Israeli ump sumcontribution to the InternationalFund. No otherfinancial claims arising from the Palestinian refugeeproblem maybe raised against Israel.

  (d) Israels contribution shall be made in installmentsinaccordance with Schedule X.

  (e) The value of the Israeli fixed assets that shall remainintactin former settlements and transferred to the state ofPalestine willbe deducted from Israels contribution to theInternational Fund. Anestimation of this value shall be made bythe International Fund,takingsintosaccount assessment of damagecaused by thesettlements.

  10. Compensation for Refugeehood(a) A Refugeehood Fund shallbeestablished in recognition of each individuals refugeehood.TheFund, to which Israel shall be a contributing party, shallbeoverseen by the International Commission. The structureandfinancing of the Fund is set forth in Annex X.

  (b) Funds will be disbursed to refugee communities in theformerareas of UNRWA operation, and will be at their disposalforcommunal development and commemoration of the refugeeexperience.Appropriate mechanisms will be devised by theInternationalCommission whereby the beneficiary refugee communitiesareempowered to determine and administer the use of this Fund.

  11. The International Commission (Commission)(a) MandateandCompositioni. An International Commission shall be establishedandshall have full and exclusive responsibility for implementingallaspects of this Agreement pertaining to refugees.

  ii. In addition to themselves, the Parties call upon theUnitedNations, the United States, UNRWA, the Arab host countries,the EU,Switzerland, Canada, Norway, Japan, the World Bank, theRussianFederation, and others to be the mrs of the Commission.

  iii. The Commission shall:1. Oversee and manage theprocesswhereby the status and PPR of Palestinian refugees isdeterminedand realized.2. Oversee and manage, in close cooperationwith thehost states, the rehabilitation and development programs.3.Raiseand disburse funds as appropriate.

  iv. The Parties shall make available to the Commissionallrelevant documentary records and archival materials intheirpossession that it deems necessary for the ning of theCommissionand its organs. The Commission may request such materialsfrom allother relevant parties and bodies, including, inter alia,UNCCP andUNRWA.

  (b) Structurei. The Commission shall be governed by anExecutiveBoard (Board) composed of representatives of its mrs.

  ii. The Board shall be the highest authority in the Commissionandshall make the relevant policy decisions in accordance withthisAgreement.

  iii. The Board shall draw up the procedures governing the workofthe Commission in accordance with this Agreement.

  iv. The Board shall oversee the conduct of the variousCommitteesof the Commission. The said Committees shall periodicallyreport tothe Board in accordance with procedures set forththereby.

  v. The Board shall create a Secretariat and appoint aChairthereof. The Chair and the Secretariat shall conduct theday-to-dayoperation of the Commission.

  (c) Specific Committeesi. The Commission shall establishtheTechnical Committees specified below.

  ii. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the Boardshalldetermine the structure and procedures of the Committees.

  iii. The Parties may make submissions to the Committees asdeemednecessary.

  iv. The Committees shall establish mechanisms for resolutionofdisputes arising from the interpretation or implementation oftheprovisions of this Agreement relating to refugees.

  v. The Committees shall n in accordance with this Agreement,andshall render binding decisions accordingly.

  vi. Refugees shall have the center to appeal decisionsaffectingthem according to mechanisms established by this Agreementanddetailed in Annex X.

  (d) Status-determination Committee:i. TheStatus-determinationCommittee shall be responsible for verifyingrefugee status.

  ii. UNRWA registration shall be considered asrebuttablepresumption (prima facie proof) of refugee status.

  (e) Compensation Committee:i. The Compensation Committee shallberesponsible for administering the implementation ofthecompensation provisions.

  ii. The Committee shall disburse compensation forindividualproperty pursuant to the following modalities:1. Either afixed percapita award for property claims below a specified value.This willrequire the claimant to only prove title, and shall beprocessedaccording to a fast-track procedure, or2. A claims-basedaward forproperty claims exceeding a specified value for immovablesandother assets. This will require the claimant to prove bothtitleand the value of the losses.

  iii. Annex X shall elaborate the details of the aboveincluding,but not limited to, evidentiary issues and the use ofUNCCP,ustodian for Absentees Property and UNRWA records, alongwith anyother relevant records.

  (f) Host State Remuneration Committee:There shall beremunerationfor host states.

  (g) Permanent Place of Residence Committee (PPR Committee):ThePPRCommittee shall,i. Develop with all the relevant partiesdetailedprograms regarding the implementation of the PPR optionspursuant toArticle 7/4 above.

  ii. Assist the applicants in making an informed choiceregardingPPR options.

  iii. Receive applications from refugees regarding PPR.Theapplicants must indicate a number of preferences in accordancewitharticle 7/4 above. The applications shall be received no laterthantwo years after the start of the InternationalCommissionsoperations. Refugees who do not submit suchapplications within thetwo-year period shall lose their refugeestatus.

  iv. Determine, in accordance with sub-Article (a) above, thePPRof the applicants, takingsintosaccount individual preferencesandmaintenance of family unity. Applicants who do not availthemselvesof the Committees PPR determination shall lose theirrefugeestatus.

  v. Provide the applicants with the appropriate technical andlegalassistance.

  vi. The PPR of Palestinian refugees shall be realized within5years of the start of the InternationalCommissionsoperations.

  (h) Refugeehood Fund CommitteeThe Refugeehood Fund Committeeshallimplement Article 7/10 as detailed in Annex X.

  (i) Rehabilitation and Development CommitteeIn accordance withtheaims of this Agreement and noting the above PPR programs,theRehabilitation and Development Committee shall work closelywithPalestine, Host Countries and other relevant third countriesandparties in pursuing the goal of refugee rehabilitationandcommunity development. This shall include devising programsandplans to provide the former refugees with opportunitiesforpersonal and communal development, housing, education,healthcare,re-training and other needs. This shall be integrated inthegeneral development plans for the region.

  12. The International Fund(a) An International Fund (theFund)shall be established to receive contributions outlined inthisArticle and additional contributions from theinternationalcommunity. The Fund shall disburse monies to theCommission toenable it to carry out its ns. The Fund shall auditthe Commissionwork.

  (b) The structure, composition and operation of the Fund aresetforth in Annex X.

  13. UNRWA(a) UNRWA should be phased out in each country inwhichit operates, based on the end of refugee status inthatcountry.

  (b) UNRWA should cease to exist five years after the start oftheCommissions operations. The Commission shall draw up a planforthe phasing out of UNRWA and shall facilitate the transfer ofUNRWAns to host states.

  14. Reconciliation Programs(a) The Parties will encourageandpromote the development of cooperation between theirrelevantinstitutions and civil societies in creating forums forexchanginghistorical narratives and enhancing mutual understandingregardingthe past.

  (b) The Parties shall encourage and facilitate exchanges inorderto disseminate a richer appreciation of theserespectivenarratives, in the fields of formal and informaleducation, byproviding conditions for direct contacts betweenschools,educational institutions and civil society.

  (c) The Parties may consider cross-community cultural programsinorder to promote the goals of conciliation in relation totheirrespective histories.

  (d) These programs may include developing appropriate waysofcommemorating those villages and communities that existed priorto1949.

  Articles 8-17Article 8 - Israeli-Palestinian CooperationCommittee(IPCC)

  1. The Parties shall establish an Israeli-PalestinianCooperationCommittee immediately upon the entrysintosforce of thisagreement.The IPCC shall be a ministerial-level body withministerial-levelCo-Chairs.

  2. The IPCC shall develop and assist in the implementationofpolicies for cooperation in areas of common interest including,butnot limited to, infrastructure needs, sustainable developmentandenvironmental issues, cross-border municipal cooperation,borderarea industrial parks, exchange programs, humanresourcedevelopment, sports and youth, science, agricultureandculture.

  3. The IPCC shall strive to broaden the spheres and scopeofcooperation between the Parties.

  Article 9 - Designated Road Use Arrangements

  1. The following arrangements for Israeli civilian use willapplyto the designated roads in Palestine as detailed in Map X(Road443, Jerusalem to Tiberias via Jordan Valley, and JerusaleminGedi).

  2. These arrangements shall not prejudice Palestinianjurisdictionover these roads, including PSF patrols.

  3. The procedures for designated road use arrangements willbefurther detailed in Annex X.

  4. Israelis may be granted permits for use of designatedroads.Proof of authorization may be presented at entry points tothedesignated roads. The sides will review options for establishingaroad use system based on smart card technology.

  5. The designated roads will be patrolled by the MF at alltimes.The MF will establish with the states of Israel andPalestineagreed arrangements for cooperation in emergency medicalevacuationof Israelis.

  6. In the event of any incidents involving Israeli citizensandrequiring criminal or legal proceedings, there will befullcooperation between the Israeli and Palestinianauthoritiesaccording to arrangements to be agreed upon as part ofthe legalcooperation between the two states. The Parties may callon the IVGto assist in this respect.

  7. Israelis shall not use the designated roads as a meansofentering Palestine without the relevant documentationandauthorization.

  8. In the event of regional peace, arrangements forPalestiniancivilian use of designated roads in Israel shall beagreed and comeinto effect.

  Article 10 - Sites of Religious Significance

  1. The Parties shall establish special arrangements toguaranteeaccess to agreed sites of religious significance, as willbedetailed in Annex X. These arrangements will apply, inter alia,tothe Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and Rachel Tomb inBethlehem,and Nabi Samuel.

  2. Access to and from the sites will be by way ofdesignatedshuttle facilities from the relevant border crossing tothesites.

  3. The Parties shall agree on requirements and proceduresforgranting licenses to authorized private shuttle operators.

  4. The shuttles and passengers will be subject toMFinspection.

  5. The shuttles will be escorted on their route between thebordercrossing and the sites by the MF.

  6. The shuttles shall be under the traffic regulationsandjurisdiction of the Party in whose territory theyaretraveling.

  7. Arrangements for access to the sites on special daysandholidays are detailed in Annex X.

  8. The Palestinian Tourist Police and the MF will be presentatthese sites.

  9. The Parties shall establish a joint body for thereligiousadministration of these sites.

  10. In the event of any incidents involving Israeli citizensandrequiring criminal or legal proceedings, there will befullcooperation between the Israeli and Palestinianauthoritiesaccording to arrangements to be agreed upon. The Partiesmay callon the IVG to assist in this respect.

  11. Israelis shall not use the shuttles as a means ofenteringPalestine without the relevant documentation andauthorization.

  12. The Parties shall protect and preserve the sites ofreligioussignificance listed in Annex X and shall facilitatevisitation tothe cemeteries listed in Annex X.

  Article 11 - Border Regime

  1. There shall be a border regime between the two states,withmovement between them subject to the domestic legalrequirements ofeach and to the provisions of this Agreement asdetailed in AnnexX.

  2. Movement across the border shall only be throughdesignatedborder crossings.

  3. Procedures in border crossings shall be designed tofacilitatestrong trade and economic ties, including labor movementbetweenthe Parties.

  4. Each Party shall each, in its respective territory, takethemeasures it deems necessary to ensure that no persons, vehicles,orgoods enter the territory of the other illegally.

  5. Special border arrangements in Jerusalem shall be inaccordancewith Article 6 above.

  Article 12 - Water: still to be completed

  Article 13 - Economic Relations: still to be completed

  Article 14 - Legal Cooperation: still to be completed

  Article 15 - Palestinian Prisoners and Detainees1. In thecontextof this Permanent Status Agreement between Israel andPalestine,the end of conflict, cessation of all violence, and therobustsecurity arrangements set forth in this Agreement, allthePalestinian and Arab prisoners detained in the framework oftheIsraeli-Palestinian conflict prior to the date of signature ofthisAgreement, DD/MM/2003, shall be released in accordance withthecategories set forth below and detailed in Annex X.

  (a) Category A: all persons imprisoned prior to the start oftheimplementation of the Declaration of Principles on May 4,1994,administrative detainees, and minors, as well as women,andprisoners in ill health shall be released immediately upontheentrysintosforce of this Agreement.

  (b) Category B: all persons imprisoned after May 4, 1994 andpriorto the signature of this Agreement shall be released no laterthaneighteen months from the entrysintosforce of this Agreement,exceptthose specified in Category C.

  (c) Category C: Exceptional cases - persons whose names aresetforth in Annex X - shall be released in thirty months at the endofthe full implementation of the territorial aspects ofthisAgreement set forth in Article 5/7/v.

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