泳者遇鲨鱼 海豚围圈救 | ||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004年11月24日08:19 潇湘晨报 | ||||||||
据新华社电新西兰媒体23日报道说,在4名新西兰游泳者遭遇食人鲨的危险时刻,一群海豚将他们团团围住,保护他们平安上岸。事情发生在新西兰北部一个海滨小镇。10月30日,救生员罗布·豪斯带着15岁的女儿尼奇和女儿的两名好友在海里游泳,他们突然被一群海豚围了起来。 ″They started to herd us up, they pushed
Howes tried to drift away from the group, but two of thebiggerdolphins herded him back just as he spotted a nine-foot greatwhiteshark swimming toward the group. ″It was only about 2m away from me, the water was crystalclearand it was as clear as the nose on my face,″ Howes said. The swimmers spent the next 40 minutes surrounded by thedolphinsbefore they could safely swim back to shore. 豪斯说:“海豚开始把我们赶到一起,把我们4个人紧紧围住。”当时,豪斯还试图突出重围,但是两条体积较大的海豚立刻又把他赶了进去,正在这时,豪斯惊恐地看见一条9英尺长的大白鲨朝他们游过来。豪斯看得很清楚,那是一条鲨鱼:“它离我只有2米,水很清澈,它清楚得就像在我鼻子尖上。”他们在海豚的包围下呆了40分钟,直到他们安全游回岸边。 关键词汇dolphin海豚 | ||||||||