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世界银行行长沃尔芬森就亚洲灾难发表声明 2004年12月28日09:59 中国广播网








  World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn today issuedthefollowing statement on the tragic events in Asia overtheweekend:

  On Sunday morning, Decr 26, Indonesia was struck by amassiveearthquake, with its epicenter off the west coast ofnorthernSumatra. The quake and its aftershocks were felt inBangladesh,India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, andThailand. Ittriggered tsunamis in the Indian Ocean which struckIndia,Malaysia, the Maldives, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. We areonlybeginning to grasp the magnitude of the disaster in terms oflossoflife, material damage and economic impact across the region.Itis clear, however, that it will take some time before thefullimpact of this terrible crisis is known.

  Senior management from the World Banks East Asia/PacificandSouth Asia teams are in direct contact with the governments inthecountries affected. The teams are assessing the feasibilityofreallocating resources quickly within portfolios, or theprovisionof emergency credits, to respond to immediate humanitarianneeds inthe countries hit by this disaster. The crisis team ismeetingdaily. All Bank Group offices and facilities in theaffectedcountries were undamaged, and will remain the focal pointof ourefforts to respond to the humanitarian crisis that may followthisnatural disaster.

  I have written to the leaders of the affected countries toextend,on behalf of the World Bank Group family, our deepestcondolences tothose who have suffered as a consequence of thistragedy. As theBank has considerable experience in reconstructionafter naturaldisasters, I have also offered them our assistanceworking closelywith the United Nations and our major partners.

  While we are mindful of the terrible cost in human lives fromthisdisaster, we are also concerned for the safety of our staffandtheir families. We have been working throughout the weekendtoaccount for those known to have been in the worst-affected areasatthe time of the disaster. Though communication to some areasisdifficult, the Banks security team is reasonably sure that allourstaff are now safe. We do know, however, that several staffhavelost close relatives, and our thoughts and prayers arewiththem.

  During this time of the year, which should be a festive andjoyousseason, our thoughts and prayers are with all those whoselives havebeen affected by this tragedy.Jim Wolfensohn来源:中国广播网责编:金风

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