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世界银行:污染和环境恶化威胁东亚 2005年04月21日10:58 中国广播网











  管理海岸资源,包括海啸后的恢复措施,是世行的主要重点。好几个国家已经在开展旨在保护海岸和珊瑚礁的社区项目和努力。在开发灾难防范措施和预警机制方面开展区域性合作尤为重要,比如最近提出的海啸预警系统。附英文背景Concernaboutthe environment grows in East Asia as impacts of pollutionandurbanization increaseWashington, DC, April 19, 2005 - Pollutionandenvironmental degradation increasingly threaten the health ofEastAsia and Pacifics rapidly urbanizing population, according totwonew environment reports from the World Bank.Water-bornediseases nowcause half a million infant deaths annually in theregion, while airpollution causes thousands of premature deaths -50,000 people dieprematurely each year in China due to pollutionjust from coalburning, according to the World Banks newEnvironment Strategy forthe East Asia and Pacific region.Thesetrends are a growing concernas more people move to the regionsalready crowded cities. Morethan 39 percent of the regions 1.8billion people now live incities, according to the World Banksannual compendium ofenvironmental data, the Little Green Data Book2005. And by 2015urban areas will be home to more than 50 percentof the regionspopulation, estimates the Environment Strategy.Thisgrowth presentshuge environmental challenges for the region, asmigration to urbanareas in many countries is outpacing the abilityof cities toprovide clean-water and sanitation infrastructure. Forexample, aquarter of the regions population doesnt have accessto cleandrinking water and over half lack access to basicsanitation,according to the Little Green Data Book 2005.EastAsias economy isgrowing more quickly than any other region, butimprovements inhuman welfare are being offset by seriousenvironmental issues,said Jemal-ud-din Kassum, the World BankVice President for EastAsia and the Pacific.Environmental damageis also degrading manyecological services and natural protections.For example, the tragicearthquake and tsunami in the Indian Oceanlast year highlights theimportance of protecting the environment,as degradation ofprotective coastal mangrove forests and coralreefs contributed inpart to the magnitude of the disaster.TheWorld Bank is activelyengaged in a wide range of environmentalinitiatives in East Asiaand Pacific, and has developed a $5.3billion portfolio ofenvironmental and natural resource managementprojects in theregion, which is complemented by its GlobalEnvironment Facitilityfunding of $500 million in environmentgrants. Between 1995 and2003, for example, the Bank helpedgovernments phase out 89,000 tonsof ozone-depleting substances -more than any other region in theworld. The Bank has also focusedon providing sanitation servicesfor the urban poor, and addressingthreats to the regionsbiodiversity.The grow now, clean up latermodel for economicdevelopment that much of the region has adoptedsounds reasonable,but people dont realize that the costs ofdelaying environmentalprotection are much greater in the longrun, said Maria TeresaSerra, Director of the Banks Environmentand Social DevelopmentSector in the East Asia and Pacificregion.The World BankApproachThe new regional Environment Strategycalls for the Bank toproactively support environment policies andto seek effectiveengagement with development partners, bothlocally and at theregional level. The Bank is looking tostrengthen environmentpolicies and capacities in the region, andwe want to encouragecollaboration between agencies at all levelsto address local andtransboundary environmental issues, saidMagda Lovei, EnvironmentManager for the East Asia and Pacificregion.Managing coastalresources, including tsunami recoveryinitiatives, is a highpriority for the Bank, and community-basedprojects and efforts toprotect coasts and coral reefs are alreadyunderway severalcountries. Regional collaboration will beespecially important inthe development of disaster-preventionefforts and early warningmechanisms, such as the recently proposedtsunami alert system.For acopy of the East Asia and PacificEnvironment Strategy, pleasevisit:来源:中国广播网 责编:金风

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