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戴尔英语大家学 2005年09月10日09:49 检察日报

  原文:The Guardian Mobile phone and internet companiesyesterdaywarned EU ministers that counter-terrorism plans for thecompulsorystorage of billions of phone and internet records wouldproveexpensive and intrusive.


  原文:Reuters The United States asked NATO on Thursday for helpintransporting European aid to victims of Hurricane Katrinaamidconcern that assistance is not getting through to thedevastatedregion quickly enough.


  原文:The Guardian More than 200 detainees in Guantánamo Bay areintheir fifth week of a hunger strike the Guardian hasbeentold.


  原文:CNN Saddam Hussein's chief attorney denied on Thursdaythatthe ousted president had confessed to ordering executionsandwaging a campaign against Kurds in which thousands of peoplearesaid to have been killed.


  关键词:confesskn'fes,动词,意为“承认 坦白 忏悔”。如:The suspect confessedtothe crime.嫌疑犯供认了罪行。Mr Foster confessed that he'd broken thespeedlimit.福斯特先生承认自己超速了。

  confess的名词形式为confession,意为“供认 承认 招供”。如:He madeaconfession.他招供了。

  与confession组成的法律短语有:confession admitting guilt认罪的坦白,confessionandavoidance自认而又持异议,confession of defence辩护状词,confession in apubliccourt在公开庭审中认罪。



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