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DNA指证“狗夺猫命” 2006年01月12日08:20 潇湘晨报


  DNA points to dog Lucky in cat's death

  A cat owner, frustrated that officials couldn't prove a neighbor's dog Lucky had ki
lled her pet, took a cue from television legal dramas and used DNA evidence to pursue the case herself.A lab that analyzed the DNA concluded that the dog was linked to the cat's death, but officials said they still can't make a case because there were no witnesses.

  最佳翻译恼于警署人员无法揪出杀猫真凶——邻家一只名为“Lucky”的狗。受害“猫”的女主人,从一些法律题材的电视剧中得到启示,利用物证DNA,对这起“命案”进行了申诉。一项从DNA研究实验室得出的结论证明∶那只狗的确与猫的死有关!但遗憾的是,由于没有目击证人,警署人员尚不能立案。 殷三益

  其他翻译DNA指证杀猫案“元凶”:宠物狗Lucky。一宠物猫咪主人称邻居家的狗Lucky咬死了自己的猫,但当地警方一直无法证实“谋杀案”系Lucky所为,对此,猫主人大为不满,从一档法律电视节目中,她受到启发,决定自己通过DNA技术来寻求证据。一家DNA研究实验室帮她做了检测后认为Lucky确实与这起“杀猫案”脱不了干系,但警方却称由于缺乏目击证人故而不予立案。赵 敏


  One-Eyed Cat Had Medical Condition

  A photo of a one-eyed kitten named Cy drew more than a little skepticism when it turned up on various Web sites, but medical authorities have a name for the bizarre condition. ″Holoprosencephaly″ causes facial deformities, according to the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke. In the worst cases, a single eye is located where the nose should be, according to the institute's Web site.



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