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大象喝伏特加酒暖身 2006年01月18日07:43 潇湘晨报

  Moscow Circus uses vodka to keep elephants warm in Mongolia

  As The Moscow Circus prepared for a week-long program in Mongolia's capital Ulan Bator, they faced an awkward problem -- how to
keep the two tropical animals happy in one of the world's coldest environments. They found a very Russian solution.

  “When the elephants arrived, we gave them three liters of vodka each to keep warm,” a Mongolian organizer told AFP on Sunday.


  莫斯科马戏团蒙古出奇招 伏特加酒给大象保温暖莫斯科马戏团准备在蒙古首都乌兰巴托进行为期一周的表演时,他们面临一个尴尬的问题——如何才能让两头热带象在这个世界上最寒冷的地方之一开心地表演呢?他们想到了一个非常俄罗斯式的办法。


  其他翻译 用伏特加为大象取暖 莫斯科马戏团在蒙古有高招当莫斯科马戏团为蒙古首都乌兰巴托制定长达一周的演出计划时,如何让两只大象在世界最冷的地区之一愉快地完成演出任务成为他们的一大难题。他们最终还是找到了一个典型俄式解决方案。“当这两只大象到达时,我们给每只象喝三升伏特加取暖。”星期天一名蒙古演出组织者告诉新法社记者。 王文胜


  New Invention Removes Odor From Hog Manure

  A man has received a $500,000 federal grant to mass produce his invention, a machine that removes the odor from hog manure.

  The Tempest dryer, developed by Loran Balvanz, is designed to help solve water pollution, odor and noxious gas problems in the hog industry.Balvanz said that because his invention separates water from the solids in manure, it can solve air and water quality problems.The Tempest removes water from manure by spinning it at a high speed. The water is vented through the top of the dryer and vaporizes in the outside air.



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