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新发明除去猪粪臭气 2006年01月19日07:49 潇湘晨报

  New Invention Removes Odor From Hog Manure

  A man has received a $500,000 federal grant to mass produce his invention, a machine that removes the odor from hog manure.

  The Tempest dryer, developed by Loran Balvanz, is designed to help solve water pollution, odor and noxious gas problems in the hog industry.Balvanz said that because his invention separates water from the solids in manure, it can solve air and water quality problems.The Tempest removes water from manure by spinning it at a high speed. The water is vented through the top of the dryer and vaporizes in the outside air.






  Prisoner makes fast escape from jail

  A prisoner lost some 14 kg (30 lbs) so he could squeeze through a hole he chiselled in a brick wall and escape from a maximum security jail in Sydney. Robert Cole, 36, who was serving time for stealing and assault, was being treated in the Long Bay prison hospital when he broke out of jail on Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning.Cole weighed about 70kg (167 pounds) when he entered prison in February 2003 but had dieted to 56kg at his latest weigh-in, local media reported.



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