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大马议员短信休妻被罚款 2006年01月22日08:11 潇湘晨报


  Malaysian senator fined for divorcing wife by SMS

  A Malaysian Muslim senator has been fin
ed for divorcing his wife by sending her an SMS text message and leaving a voicemail on her mobile phone.

  The senator, Kamaruddin Ambok, 52, was fined 550 ringgit (147 dollars) Thursday by a Islamic or sharia court for attempting to divorce his wife Mahani Hussain by phone in October 2001, instead of declaring his intentions in court.In Malaysian Islamic law, a man can divorce his wife with verbal pronouncements known as talaq in a sharia court, said reports.



  现年52岁的参议员卡马路丁·安伯克于本周四被一家伊斯兰教法庭处以550林吉特(约147美元)的罚款。理由是他未曾在法庭上宣布离婚意图,而是在2001年10月试图用打电话的方式与妻子玛哈尼·侯赛因离婚。报道称,根据马来西亚的伊斯兰教教法,男人们可以在伊斯兰教法庭上发表一种口头声明与妻子离婚(即把 “talaq”这个词反复念3遍)。廖乐宁


  现年52岁的参议员卡马如丁·阿姆伯克没有向法庭提出离婚申请,而是在2001年10月试图通过电话与妻子马哈妮·绣莘离异,因此,周四被伊斯兰教法庭罚款550林吉特(147美元)。报道称根据马来西亚伊斯兰教法律,男性可以在法庭以口头形式与妻子离婚。荣 觅


  Hero Dog Singed Saving Sheep From Fire

  A barn fire killed six purebred sheep and destroyed a couple's irreplaceable guitars and family scrapbooks and three vehicles, but it could have been worse.

  Diane Pagel and her husband, Jeff Freeman, thought they had lost as many as 20 prized sheep when their barn about three miles north of town burned down because of an electrical short-circuit early Thursday morning.Then they discovered all but six sheep had been herded to safety by Kodiak, their Great Pyrenees guard dog.




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