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义犬火中救绵羊 2006年01月23日08:07 潇湘晨报

  Hero Dog Singed Saving Sheep From Fire

  A barn fire killed six purebred sheep and destroyed a couple's irreplaceable guitars and family scrapbooks and three vehicles, but it could have been worse.

  Diane Pagel and her husband, Jeff Freeman, thought they had lost as many as 20 prized sheep when their barn about three miles north of town burned down because of an electrical short-circuit early Thursday morning.Then they discovered all but six sheep had been herded to safety by Kodiak, their Great Pyrenees guard dog.







  Poet's Choice

  “The rills and gullies and saddleback hills are sleeping now,

  the talus slopes of the mountain are asleep,

  and the low scrub thickets, and the riverine glades.

  Sleep gathers in the sound of the water's fall,

  in the trade winds riffling the coral shoals;

  and all four-footed creatures the black earth breeds--

  the race of bees, the gathering tribe of broad-winged birds,

  the monsters plundering the bloodshot sea--

  all are asleep in the depthless conjuring of that sound.”

  This poem by Alcman, a pre-classical Greek poet, has the quality of immediacy, that sensation of nothing coming between experience and feeling.This English version is by the American poet Sherod Santos, in his engaging new book, Greek Lyric Poetry: A New Translation.



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