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一个吻害得一男子要坐穿牢底 2006年02月19日10:48 长沙晚报



  (长沙理工大学 张丽雅 译)


  62-year-old gives birth to 12th child

  A 62-year-old woman has given birth to a healthy 6lb 9oz baby boy, becoming one of the oldest women in the world to successfully bear a child.

  The baby is the 12th child of Janise Wulf, from Redding, California, who has been blind since birth. She is a grandmother of 20 and great-grandmother of three.

  Wulf and her third husband, Scott, 48, named the red-haired boy, Adam Charles Wulf. He follows just three and a half years behind his older brother, Ian.


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