佛州男子为卫生纸杀人 | |||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年02月23日08:02 潇湘晨报 | |||||||||
昨日原文 Fla.Man Kills Roommate Over Toilet Paper A man accused of fatally beating his roo
Franklin Paul Crow, 56,told investigators that the men were fighting about the toilet paper over the weekend when Matthews pulled out a rifle. Crow said he then began beating Matthews with the sledgehammer and claw hammer, according to an affidavit. 最佳译文 一男子因被控用大锤和拔钉锤对其室友进行致命性袭击而被逮捕,而事情的导火索居然仅仅是因为他们家里的卫生纸用光了。从当事人在法庭宣誓后的书面陈述来看,富兰克林·保罗·克劳今年56岁,他告诉调查人员说,他和他的室友马修斯因为卫生纸而产生的纠纷持续了整整一个周末。当马修斯突然端出一支步枪的时候,克劳便开始用大锤和拔钉锤猛击马修斯。licence 其他翻译 美国佛州一男子因卫生纸杀害室友近日,佛州男子富兰克林保罗克劳因用大锤和榔头殴打室友致死被当地警方逮捕。而整件凶案的起因是家里没纸了。根据口供,现年56岁的保罗向警方交代,上周末当他和室友马修因卫生纸而扭打时,对方突然拔出一把步枪,紧接着他就用大锤和榔头猛击马修。桃 桃 佛罗里达州一男子因厕纸杀死室友因为家中厕所没有厕纸而起争端,一名男子用大锤和钉锤将其室友打死。事发后,这名男子被捕并被指控。56岁的富兰克林向调查人员描述了整件事的发生情况。根据他的口供得知,事件发生在周末,这名男子因为家中的厕所没有厕纸而与其室友马修打了起来,当时马修还拿出了来复枪,他的这一举动激怒了这名男子,于是他拿着大锤和钉锤向马修砸了过去。荷叶何田田 今日原文 Japan's“king of night”sniffs out rich women One Japanese burglar truly knows the smell of money.The thief dubbed the“King of the Night”stole luxury items from women's apartments by sniffing the fragrances coming from their doors. Police investigators nicknamed Shirota the “King of the Night” as he often started his theft spree from around 8:00 pm after the women go to work, the Mainichi Shimbun daily said. 译文请发至:lhao741@sina.com | |||||||||