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孕妇肚皮上打广告 2006年03月13日08:02 潇湘晨报


  Woman Sells Ad Rights to Pregnancy on eBay

  If the human body is the last frontier f
or advertising space, then St. Louis resident Asia Francis is helping chart new territory — the big, pregnant belly. Francis, 21, auctioned off the advertising rights to her pregnancy on eBay. The winning bid of $1,000 went to a California Internet company, giving it exclusive rights to temporarily tattoo its brand-name on Francis's belly and broadcast the birth of her daughter live on the Internet. The baby is due any day.







  Battle over discarded coffee cup heats up in Canada

  According to reports, a 10-year-old girl found a prize-winning Tim Horton's coffee cup in the garbage at her Montreal school, but was unable to ″roll up the rim″ to determine if it was a winner, so she asked an older girl for help.The two girls took the cup to a teacher, who called their parents. After initially agreeing to share the prize, the parents were soon at odds over how to split it.And a school employee has now come forward saying he bought the cup.The feud has sparked newspaper commentaries from the Canadian public and television debates.



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