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美军将进行大爆炸试验 拉斯维加斯再现蘑菇云 2006年03月31日08:04 新华网

  新华网消息 美国五角大楼官员30日透露,美军将于6月2日在内华达州引爆700吨常规高爆炸药,意图测试摧毁深藏地下坚固目标的武器性能。 试验将在拉斯维加斯西北65英里处地区进行,试验的主要目的是检测地面爆炸对地下深层坑道建筑的冲击影响。据称这次爆炸形成的烟尘将上升至1万英尺高空。美国“国防威胁防范署”主任詹姆斯·泰格尼利亚说,自上世纪60年代初美军在内华达州停止核武器地上试爆以来,人们将首次在拉斯维加斯上空看到蘑菇云。



  US-military-weapons-test 2ndlead 03-31 0589

  by Jim Mannion

  ATTENTION - ADDS reaction, detail ///

  WASHINGTON, March 30, 2006 (AFP) - The US military plans to detonate a

  700-tonne explosive charge in a test called "Divine Strake" that could send a

  mushroom cloud over Las Vegas, a senior defense official said Thursday.

  "I don't want to sound glib here but it is the first time in Nevada that

  you'll see a mushroom cloud over Las Vegas since we stopped testing nuclear

  weapons," said James Tegnelia, head of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

  Tegnelia's remark at a breakfast with defense reporters set off shock waves

  of its own here.

  "Anytime an administration official starts talking about mushroom clouds

  and Las Vegas, I want answers," Representative Shelley Berkley, a Democrat from

  Nevada, said on the floor of the House of Representatives.

  She said Tegnelia told her a mushroom cloud would not be seen "over" Las

  Vegas, only "from" Las Vegas, according to a statement from her office.

  DTRA also issued a statement later in the day that said "the experiment"

  posed no environmental or health hazards, and stressed that it was not a

  nuclear test.

  "All explosives, given the right thermal characteristics, will create a

  cloud that may resemble a mushroom cloud," the agency said.

  "The dust cloud from Divine Strake may reach an attitude of 10,000 feet and

  is not expected to be visible from Las Vegas," it said.

  The agency said no radioactively contaminated soils are in the vicinity of

  the proposed detonation site, which is over an existing tunnel at the Nevada

  Test Site.

  Tegnelia said the test, which is scheduled for June 2, was part of a US

  effort to develop weapons capable of destroying deeply buried bunkers housing

  nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.

  "We have several very large penetrators we're developing," he told defense


  "We also have -- are you ready for this -- a 700-tonne explosively formed

  charge that we're going to be putting in a tunnel in Nevada," he said.

  "And that represents to us the largest single explosive that we could

  imagine doing conventionally to solve that problem," he said.

  DTRA said the charge consists of 700 tonnes of commercial ammonium

  nitrate-fuel oil (ANFO) explosives, which is the equivalent of 593 tonnes of


  "ANFO is a commonly used blasting agent in commercial mining and commercial

  blasting operations," the agency said. "The purpose is to conduct research into

  ground motion."

  Tegnelia said the aim is to measure the effect of the blast on hard granite


  "If you want to model these weapons, you want to know from a modeling point

  of view what is the ideal best condition you could ever set up in a

  conventional weapon -- what's the best you can do.

  "And this gets at the best point you could get on a curve. So it allows us

  to predict how effective these kinds of weapons ... would be," he said.

  He said the Russians have been notified of the test.

  "We're also making sure that Las Vegas understands," Tegnelia said.

  DTRA said it did not expect the test to have an adverse impact on the

  environment or the health of either local residents or participants in the


  "The potential for Divine Strake to create health and safety impacts to the

  general public is minimized by a combination of the remote location of the NTS,

  the sparse surrounding population, and a comprehensive program of

  administrative and design controls," the agency said.



  AFP 310004 GMT MAR 06

  环球在线消息:美国国防部一名高级官员透露,美军计划进行代号为“神圣列板”(Divine Strake)的试验,将引爆当量相当于700吨炸药的武器,爆炸后的蘑菇云将覆盖内华达州城市拉斯维加斯上空。

  据法新社3月30日报道,美国国防威胁降低局(Defense Threat Reduction Agency)局长詹姆斯·特内利亚说:“我不想听上去显得油嘴滑舌,但这将是自从我们停止试验核武器以来,第一次在拉斯维加斯上空看到蘑菇云。”


  特内利亚表示,美方已经通告俄罗斯,将于在今年6月的第一周内在内华达州的试验场地进行试验。此外,他指出:“希望拉斯维加斯市民也能够理解。” (凌晨)

  2006-03-31 08:04:47

  2006-03-31 08:05:21



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