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乐队已故主唱的马桶被盗 2006年04月04日07:51 潇湘晨报


  Late Grateful Dead Leader's Toilet Stolen

  The long, strange trip continues for Je
rry Garcia's toilet. Police say the Grateful Dead leader's commode was stolen recently from a driveway along with three other toilets and a bidet, The Press Democrat newspaper reported Saturday. Garcia's salmon-colored toilet was the subject of a legal battle before it was finally moved to Sonoma, to await shipment to a Canadian casino.

  最佳翻译 杰尔·加西亚的马桶的漫长而奇特的旅程又生波折。星期六,据民主报报道称,警方透露,最近,“感恩而死”乐队已故主唱的便桶被从一个车道上偷走。同时被盗的还有其它三个马桶和一个漱洗盆。这个橙红色的便桶已经经历了一场法律纠纷,最终将被运往西诺马,被盗时正等待被发运到加拿大的一家赌场。kevin

  其他翻译“感激死亡”乐队已故领袖的卫生间被盗“感激死亡”乐队领袖杰里·加西亚的卫生间还在继续奇怪的长途旅行。据星期六的民主新闻报报道:警察称杰里·加西亚的洗手盆和另外三个马桶以及一个浴缸最近在公路上被盗。加西亚的桃红色马桶是主要追查目标,它将被拉到索诺马,等待船运至加拿大赌场。黄 妍(中南大学铁道学院)


  昨日关键词:legal battle:法律纠纷,官司


  Spider-hunting nudist ends with ring of fire

  A red-faced Australian nudist who tried to set fire to what he thought was a deadly funnel web spider's nest ended up with badly burnt buttocks, emergency officials said on Monday. Ambulance workers, including a helicopter crew, were called to the scene after the man poured petrol down the hole and then lit a match in an attempt to kill the offending arachnid. It said the man's lack of clothing probably contributed to the extent of his burns.



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