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蜘蛛猎人捕蛛不成反被火烧 2006年04月05日08:09 潇湘晨报






  Spider-hunting nudist ends with ring of fire

  A red-faced Australian nudist who tried to set fire to what he thought was a deadly funnel web spider's nest ended up with badly burnt buttocks, emergency officials said on Monday. Ambulance workers, including a helicopter crew, were called to the scene after the man poured petrol down the hole and then lit a match in an attempt to kill the offending arachnid. It said the man's lack of clothing probably contributed to the extent of his burns.

  最佳翻译 周一,急救中心官员称,一名澳大利亚裸体主义者认定某处是可怕的漏斗网蜘蛛的老窝,该男子朝蜘蛛洞内灌入汽油,点燃火柴试图杀死讨厌的蜘蛛,结果落得火烧屁股,以尴尬收场。随后,救护车及直升飞机抵达现场救助。据称,该男子的 “轻装上阵”导致他伤情较为严重。中南大学 silvier其他翻译 裸体人火烧蜘蛛祸及自身本周一,澳大利亚突发事件办公室官员说,一个满脸通红的裸体主义者试图火烧一种致命的漏斗网状蜘蛛的老巢,结果自己被严重地灼伤臀部。事情的起因是该男子将汽油倒入蜘蛛洞中并点燃火柴,试图杀死这种令人厌恶的蛛形纲动物。救护车及急救人员,包括一辆直升飞机,随后都赶到了出事现场。据说可能是因为该男子没有穿衣服使得他的烧伤范围较大。 Lijie174


  昨日关键词:funnel web spider 漏斗网状蜘蛛,毒性较大。


  I'm all right Jack: Straw forces Rice to sleep on floor: reports

  Britain's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw was rapped for ungentlemanly conduct after reportedly commandeering US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice'sprivate quarters on her official jet. Rice was reported in a number of British newspapers to have graciously offered her British counterpart the use of her bed and cabin on the Boeing 757 plane and Straw ungallantly accepted, leaving her to sleep on the floor.



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