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逃犯劫持马车逃脱追捕 2006年04月28日07:56 潇湘晨报


  Fugitive gives British police the slip on a hijacked horse and cart

  A man suspected of committing a serious
assault in the northern English city of Leeds managed to escape from a motorised police pursuit using a horse and cart, The Guardian said.The unnamed 34-year-old and a friend leapt onto a rag-and-bone cart,Onlookers then described“a bizarre procession”as the horse and its fugitive passengers led four police motorbikes, a patrol car, video van and the force helicopter along a dual carriageway leading out of the city.



  主持人点评:两篇译文都有瑕疵,故今日无“最佳翻译”。第一篇将“The Guardian”(英国《卫报》)错译称了“警察”;第二篇中“managed”应指已逃脱,不应译成“试图”。

  昨日关键词:rag-and-bone文中修饰马车,意思为“破烂的”;rag and bone man则指废品收购者。


  Polish thief flees to ... police headquarters

  A Polish shoplifter took a very wrong turn -- towards Rome's police headquarters -- while fleeing a supermarket with two stolen bottles of alcohol.

  Hearing screams of “Stop thief!”, heavily armed police just outside the building cooly grabbed the 19-year-old, a police spokeswoman said on Thursday. Stunned, the crook immediately confessed and handed over the liquor. “Yes, I stole the bottles. But not this chocolate,”he said, pointing to a candybar he had purchased earlier.译文请发至


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