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对冲基金新经理们的喜忧 2006年05月14日07:58 潇湘晨报

  昨日原文The Triumphs, and Obsession, of New Hedge Fund Managers

  SIZE matters in hedge funds. But bigger is not always better. New fund managers tend to knock the cover off the ball during their
first two years, accounting for much of the outperformance that has made hedge funds famous, a new study has found。But for those seeking big returns, they can gamble on the new managers. After all, the hedge fund universe used to be dominated by big egos, big bets and big returns. Let's see if the new egos can take their place.


  点评:昨日翻译整体均不太准确。Hedge Fund应该为“对冲基金”。


  This explains a lot……

  More than 60 percent of Britons use items such as screwdrivers, scissors and earrings to remove food from between their teeth, according to a survey published Friday.The survey also found that 23 percent of people chose to leave food stuck between their teeth, increasing the risk of gum disease and bad breath.



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