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能源部长老婆为汽油着急 2006年05月21日08:25 潇湘晨报


  US Energy Sec says wife bargain hunts for gasoline

  The wife of U.S. Energy Secretary Sam Bod
man is out hunting for cheap gasoline.

  Stung by a spike at the pumps in recent weeks, many U.S. motorists are searching for the best deal. Bodman has called high gasoline costs a ″crisis″ for Americans.

  When asked by a reporter if he shops around for cheap fuel, Bodman said: ″I know my wife does.″



  美国能源部长塞缪尔·博德曼的夫人正四处寻求便宜汽油。受近几周高价油带来的刺痛,美国许多有车一族正在寻找最划算的买卖。博德曼称高价汽油对美国人而言是一场“危机”。当博德曼被一记者问到他是否也在寻找便宜汽油时,他笑称我知道我妻子在干这事。莫 婷



  French are rudest, most boring people on earth: British poll

  The French have been voted the world's most unfriendly nation by a landslide in a new British poll published. They were also voted the most boring and most ungenerous.

  A decisive 46 percent of the 6,000 people surveyed by travellers' website Where Are You Now (WAYN) said the French were the most unfriendly nation people on the planet, British newspapers reported.


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