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猿猴也为红酒狂 2006年05月26日07:56 潇湘晨报





  Zoo apes have taste for red wine

  Monkeys and apes in Budapest's Zoo drink their way through 55 litres of red wine each year, albeit in small quantities each day, to help boost their red blood cells, the zoo said Monday. Budapest Zoo spokesman Zoltan Hanga said it was the 11 anthropoid apes who drank most of the wine in 2005.

  最佳翻译周一,匈牙利布达佩斯动物园称园里的猿猴们每年要喝掉55升红酒以增加体内的血红细胞数量,虽然它们每天的饮用量并不大。该动物园发言人左坦汉伽人笑称2005年里酒量最大的要属那11只类人猿。陶 莹


  其他翻译动物园的猿猴喝红葡萄酒 布达佩斯动物园周一说,动物园的猴和猿每年要以它们的方式喝掉55升红葡萄酒,尽管每天为了提高它们的红血细胞提供的酒量不多。动物园的发言人佐尔坦·哈格说,2005年喝得最多的是11只类人猿。赵云亭




  The Clock

  Hillary Clinton died and went to heaven. As she stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates she saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.She asked, “What are all those clocks?”St Peter answered,“Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move.”“Oh,” said Hillary, “who's clock is that?”“That's Mother Theresa's. The hands have never moved indicating that she never told a lie.”“Who's clock is that?”“That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have only moved twice telling us that Abe only told 2 lies in his entire life.”“Where is Bill's clock?” Hillary asked.“Bill's clock is in Jesus' office. He is using it as a ceiling fan.”译文及主持人申请请联系


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