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小约翰和他的金鱼 2006年06月18日08:20 潇湘晨报

  本周主持人 王龙(6月13日至19日)

  昨日原文Little Johnny and His Gold FishOne day Little Johnny is in his backyard digging a hole. His neighbor, seeing him there, decides to investigate. ″What are you doing?″ h
e asks. Little Johnny replies, ″My goldfish died and I'm burying him.″ ″That's an awful big hole for a goldfish, ain't it?″ asked the neighbor. Little Johnny shouts back, ″That's because he's inside your fucking cat!″

  最佳翻译一天,小约翰在他家后院挖洞。邻居见了很好奇,问道:“你在干什么啊?”小约翰回答道:“我的金鱼死了,我正准备埋了它。”“难道你不觉得这个洞对金鱼来说太大了吗?”邻居问道。小约翰大声嚷道:“那是因为我的金鱼在你那只该死的猫的肚子里!”何 可


  今日原文Purchasing the brainA client of a hospital where they made brain transplantations asked about the prices. The doctor said, ″Well, this Ph.D. brain costs $10,000. This brain belonged to a NASA top scientist and costs $15,000. Here we have a policeman's brain as well. It costs $50,000.″ The client asked, ″What? How's that possible?″ The doctor replied, ″You see, it's totally unused.″ 译文及主持人申请请联系


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