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一卷手纸引发的越狱案 2006年07月09日08:07 潇湘晨报

  昨日原文A tissue of lies leads to jailbreak...SYDNEY (Reuters) - Police were searching on Thursday for three prisoners who broke out of jail after one of them convinced an officer to open the cell door by asking for toilet paper.

  Police said one of them had asked a female officer for a roll of toilet paper but the solid cell door had no hatch and had to be opened to hand the paper in.

  It was then the prisoners inside made a run for it.


  今日原文Teen's Name Changed After Years of MockeryHANOI, Vietnam (AP) - After nearly two decades of ridicule, a father has agreed to change his son's name from ″Fined Six Thousand and Five Hundred″ - the amount he was forced to pay in local currency for having a fifth child.

  ″I told him that his son was constantly being teased by classmates and he should not have that weird name - he finally agreed,″ a local government official said.

  The son, now 19, finally got a new name: Mai Hoang Long, which means golden dragon.



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