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双语趣闻:大脑里有钉子并非那么痛苦 2006年11月13日09:51 金羊网-新快报

  Nail in the brain isn't such a pain

  An Austrian carpenter accidentally shot a four inch nail into his brain and didn't even get a headache.

  Tom Schoenitz,30,was working on a roof in Salzburg when he bumped into
a colleague who was holding a nail gun.

  His head knocked against the gun and the pressure accidentally activated it-shooting a nail through the carpenter's skull and into his brain.

  Schoenitz,who told emergency workers he felt no pain,was rushed to hospital where the nail was removed after being embedded in his head for 90 minutes.

  Doctors said they are running tests on the man to find out whether there has been any damage to his brain.









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