澳大利亚网友:中国终将成为科学领域领导者http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月26日16:21 中国日报网站
中国日报网环球在线消息:11月26日9时40分许,中国国家航天局正式公布嫦娥一号卫星传回并制作完成的第一幅月面图像。对此海外网民反应热烈。 澳大利亚网友John Elliot当天在中国日报网站英文论坛(bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)上发帖:“从古到今中国在科技方面取得很多成绩,所以我从来没有低估过中国人民在这方面的水平和能力。中国最终将成为很多创新和科学领域的领导者。嫦娥一号的成功只是个开始,中国还会有光明的未来。中国探月计划的成功只是科技发展的一方面。实际上中国在很多领域都取得了突破性进展。中国又可以造福人类了。” (信莲) 帖文原文: I never underestimate the abilities and capabilities of the Chinese people in all areas of science and technology based on what the Chinese had achieved in ancient time. China will eventually lead in many areas of innovations and sciences. This is just the beginning and the future hold bright promises for China. The recent success of lunar exploration is only one aspect of China's rise in science and technology areas. In fact much progress and breakthroughs have been made by China in fusion, nano, solar, nuclear, internet, genetic sciences and technologies etc. It is a welcome come-back by China to contribute to humanity.
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