新加坡网友:嫦娥奔月神话成真http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月26日16:27 中国日报网站
中国日报网环球在线消息:11月26日9时40分许,中国国家航天局正式公布嫦娥一号卫星传回并制作完成的第一幅月面图像。海外网民对此反应热烈。 来自新加坡的ASEAN CITIZEN于11月26日15:19分在中国日报网站英文论坛(bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)发帖:“在一千多年前,嫦娥奔月只是一个神话故事,中国人从未想过这个神话有一天也能成真。今天,随着科技的发展,中国人也奔向了月球! 祝贺给太空探索计划做出过贡献的所有的中国科学家,工程师,技术人员和有关的官员所取得的成功! 中国再一次向西方列强证明了中国有足够的毅力和能力达到自己的目标。我仍然记得,当中国准备发射她的第一艘无人宇宙飞船时,西方的科学家和政客们对此持怀疑态度。他们认为中国没有能力发射宇宙飞船,这项计划是一定会失败的。后来的成功证明了他们的错误。中国加油!前面的路依然艰巨,但是凭着坚定的意志和决心,没有什么能阻挡中国在太空探索上的成功!”(信莲) 英文原帖: More than a thousand years ago, it was merely a legend - that Chang'e flew to the moon, the Chinese then had never dreamt that such a legend would come true. Today, with the advance of science and technology, the Chinese have made it to the moon! Congratulations to the Chinese scientists, engineers, technicians and all officials who're involved in the space exploration projects. Once again, this is proof to the Western powers that China has the will and capability to achieve whatever they've intended to do. I still remembered when China was preparing to send her first unmanned spacecraft into earth's orbit, many Western scientists and politicians were skeptical about China's ability and said China's spacecraft would fail and might not be recovered. China has since proved them wrong! Move on, China! The road ahead is still tough as ever, but with your ironwill and determination, nothing would block China's progress and success in the field of deep soace explorations.
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