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图文:邓小平会见布热津斯基 2002年02月20日20:24 《中美关系30年》画册




  On May 21, 1978, Deng Xiaoping, Vice-Premier of the State Council, met Dr.Zbigniev Brzeginsky, National Security Adviser to the US President. During his visit, Brzegensky discussed with the Chinese side matters relating to the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. He told Deng Xiaoping that the US Government believed the Sino-US relations were of central importance to its global policy. The United States had determined to normalize its relations with China and was ready to accept the three principles for establishing the Sino-US diplomatic relationship proposed by China. China made a positive response to his statement. In early July, the Chinese and American sides started talks on normalization of their relations. After 6rounds of talks lasting for half a year, both sides reached an agreement. Joint Communique of China and the United States Concerning Establishment of Their Diplomatic Relations was issued on December 16, 1978, declaring, "Starting from January 1, 1979, the Chinese and American sides will acknowledge each other and establish diplomatic relations."



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