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图文:朱总理对美国进行正式访问 2002年02月20日21:56 《中美关系30年》画册




  At the invitation of US President Bill Clinton, Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji paid a formal visit to the United States on April 6-14, 1999. The picture shows Zhu and Clinton at the welcoming ceremony on April 8.Before and during Zhu's visit to the United States, China and the United States signed the Agreement on Agricultural Co-operation, the Memorandum of Understanding on Residential Cooperation, the Protocol of the Agreement on Civil Aviation Transport, the Agreement on Customs Cooperation and the Memorandum on China's Export of Ceramics to the United States. In answering to questions put forward by journalists during his visit to the United States, Zhu Rongji said :"The United States has a lot of nuclear weapons while China has very few nuclear weqpons. China can not at all constitute a threat to the United States. China is the biggest potential market for the United States and not a threat to it . Therefore, the 'theory of China threat' should be changed into the 'theory of opportunity in China'."



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