Henry Kissinger, the former Secretary of State and veteran diplomat, warns neither the U.S。 or China could dominate the other and permanent conflicts between the two countries could be dangerous。
Speaking at the National Committee on U.S。-China Relations on Thursday night, Kissinger, who helped rebuild Sino-American relations during the Nixon administration, said the two countries’ relationship began as a strategic one under mutual pressure from the Soviet Union, and now Americans need to change their mindset when it comes to a rising China。
“It is no longer possible to think that one side can dominate the other。 So those countries that used to be exceptional and used to be unique, have to get used to the fact that they have a rival,” said Kissinger。 “Competition is permanent。”
▲ Henry Kissinger: A permanent U.S。-China conflict will be ‘catastrophic’ (via Yahoo Finance)
While Kissinger says he believes the trade dispute will be concluded “in a positive way,” the 96-year-old China expert cautions that differences and conflicts between the two countries are inevitable given the history。
“There may not be a complete agreement。 What is imperative is that both countries understand that a permanent conflict between them cannot be won。 There will be a catastrophic outcome if it leads to permanent conflict,” he said。 他说:“可能不会有一个完整的协议。当务之急是,两国都要明白,他们之间的长久冲突是不可能有赢家的。而且发展成长久冲突的话,也会带来灾难性的结果。”
▲ Henry Kissinger: A permanent U.S。-China conflict will be ‘catastrophic’ (via Yahoo Finance)
“We are in a difficult period now。 I am confident the leaders on both sides will realize the future of the world depends on the two sides working out permanent solutions and managing the inevitable difficulties,” Kissinger said。 基辛格说:“我们现在正处于困难时期。我相信,双方领导人都会认识到,世界的未来取决于双方能否找到一个永恒的解决办法,能否很好地应对不可避免的困难。”
▲ Henry Kissinger: A permanent U.S。-China conflict will be ‘catastrophic’ (via Yahoo Finance)
The US and China are the first and second biggest economies in the world。 The US used to be the only world economic power for decades。 Competition between them has become more intense, but is expected。 China, Japan, and South Korea all have become economically rich because of the US。 And it‘s understandable that the US defend itself from being taken advantage of。 It should be one hand washes the other。
The world is changing from a world dominated by one or a few “super powers” to a world with multiple “super powers” or some level just a notch below that level。 In the future there will be more parity in overall power (political, economic, militarily and culturally) between the US, China, the EU (if it survives), India, Brazil, etc。 If Russia is ever able to improve their economy they would also be included in this group。
Kissinger is correct that it‘d be catastrophic, but not for them。 China’s rise is unstoppable because the rest of the world are perfectly ok with China‘s rise。 We sanction and embargo all we want, if the rest of the world isn’t on board, it won‘t matter。 China has already won。 They’re already changing the way their economy is runned and in roughly 2 - 3 years, it‘ll be a done deal。 We can either choose to jump on board and profit off of China or we can see others profit off of China。
The conflict marks the end of U.S。 domination in a multi-polar world。 Regions rise and fall and the U.S。 is in decline and hence the hysterics and acting out。
China‘s global success is the envy of some countries and are working overtime in trying to destabilize China’s development and national security。 Well done China indeed。
资料:Yahoo Finance
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