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关 门(双语加油站●跟我学) 2006年11月16日00:05 环球时报


  误译:Please close/shut the door after/behind yourself when you get into or out of the office.

  正译:Please close/shut the door after/behind you when you get into or o

ut of the office.

  解释:在表示位置和方向的介词(如 after 和behind)后面不能使用反身代词。“随手关门”强调的是瞬时完成的动作,用to close/shut the door after/behind one表示。“关好门”强调延续性的状态,用 to keep the door closed/shut表示。如:请关好门,以保持室内温暖。Please keep the door closed/shut so as to keep the room warm.“不用关门”,用to leave the door open表示。如:在这个村子,村民们晚上睡觉不用关房门。In this village, the villagers might leave their house doors open when they slept at night.

  商店“关门”的第一个意思是“打烊”。英语用 to close/shut表示。例如:这家超市每晚九点关门。The supermarket closes/shuts at nine every“关门”的第二个意思是“关张”、“歇业”、“倒闭”。英语用 to close/shut down, go out of business表示。例如:上个星期,这个小饭馆因顾客少而关门了。Last week, the small restaurant closed/shut down because of few customers.“关上……的大门”具有比喻意义。用to close/shut the door to sth 表示。如:我们决不会关上谈判的大门。We will not close/shut the door to negotiations.“关门”还可以比喻“把话说绝,没有商量余地”。可译为 to refuse discussion。如:在这件事上,你说话先别关门,因为我们需要再商量。Don’t refuse discussion on this matter, for we need a further consideration.▲



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