![图 via Global Look Press](http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/transform/60/w550h310/20190913/f54e-iepyyhh9393795.jpg)
不过,美国阿拉斯加州的17岁高中生游泳运动员布雷肯·威利斯(Breckynn Willis),却被指责泳衣过于“暴露”,而在获胜后被裁判取消资格。裁判的理由是,她看到该学生游泳时“屁股碰到屁股”(butt cheek touching butt cheek)。而这件游泳衣是学校游泳队提供的。
A high school swimmer in Alaska had her 100-meter freestyle victory overturned after a referee determined she committed a “uniform violation” when her swimsuit revealed too much of her backside。
According to the Anchorage Daily News, the swimmer from Dimond High School competed in four events at the meet on Friday, but was disqualified in only one。 A meet official said the referee who disqualified the girl said she could see “butt cheek touching butt cheek。”
▲Alaska high school swimmer disqualified because swimsuit exposes too much (via USA Today)
It said the referee‘s decision was “targeted based solely on how a standard, school-issued uniform happened to fit the shape of her body。”
“We cannot tolerate discrimination of any kind, and certainly not based on body shape,” the district said in a statement to the newspaper。
▲Alaska high school swimmer disqualified because swimsuit exposes too much (via USA Today)
School district officials said the disqualified swimmer was wearing an “approved, school-issued suit” during the meet。
The school district also vowed to try to change that rule, saying it was “ambiguous and allows the potential for bias。”
▲Alaska high school swimmer disqualified because swimsuit exposes too much (via USA Today)
![合适与不合适的女式泳衣的例子 图 via CNN](http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/transform/186/w550h436/20190913/2e93-iepyyhh9394201.jpg)
“This young lady and her sisters are being targeted not for the way they wear their suits but for the way those suits fit their curvier, fuller figured bodies,” West High coach Lauren Langford wrote in a blog post Monday。
“这名女孩和她的姐妹们之所以成为攻击目标,不是因为她们穿衣的方式,而是因为这些泳衣适合她们更丰满、更有曲线的身材,”West High的教练劳伦·兰福德周一在一篇博客中写道。
“If lots of girls are wearing them, and they’re cut in a way that is ‘immodest,’ why has only one swimmer been disqualified?”
▲Alaska high school swimmer disqualified because swimsuit exposes too much (via USA Today)
![Breckynn Willis(左)与妹妹Dreamer Kowatch(右)以及教练Dewayne Ingram(中) 图 via nbc12.com](http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/transform/157/w550h407/20190913/0f40-iepyyhh9394589.jpg)
学区提出上诉后,阿拉斯加学校活动协会(Alaska School Activities Association)站在了学区一边。
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