A new porn film is created in the United States every 39 minutes。
平均每39分钟 就有一部新的色情片在美国产生。
81 Shocking Facts about Pornography (via factretriever.com)
Every second, nearly30,000,000 unique Internet users view porn。
每一秒全球约有3000万 的网友在浏览色情网页。
The size of the porn industry worldwide is$100 billion。 Between $10 billion and $12 billion of that comes from the United States。
全球色情产业的规模达到1000亿美元。 其中100亿到120亿美元来自美国。
Twelve percent of websites on the Internet are pornographic。
互连网有12%的内容 是与色情或是淫秽的内容有关。
One in five men, or20%, admit to watching porn online at work。 About13% of women do。
有20% 的美国男性坦承,曾在上班时间造访过色情网站。而13% 的女性也这么做过。
81 Shocking Facts about Pornography (via factretriever.com)
因此,据《亚利桑那共和报》(Arizona Republic)报道,考虑到色情片在网上的扩散及其对人的行为产生的有害影响,亚利桑那州的立法者正在推动将色情片宣布为公共健康危害。
State Rep。 Michelle Udall, R-Mesa, introduced a measure that declares the crisis and states porn“perpetuates a sexually toxic environment that damages all areas of our society。”
“Like the tobacco industry, the pornography industry has created a public health crisis,” Udall told lawmakers。 “Pornography is used pervasively, even by minors。”
Arizona pushes to declare porn a public health crisis (via azcentral.com)
Utah was the first state in the nation to declare pornography a public health crisis in 2016, but measures have been passed in 11 other states since。
Arizona considers calling porn a public health crisis (via CNN)
那么,A片被定性为“公众健康危机”的依据 是什么呢?
The bill — a resolution declaring pornography a “public health risk” — describes the various dangers associated with exposure to sexually explicit material, particularly the hardcore videos available to most anyone with an internet connection。 The key finding was that “There are correlations between pornography use andmental and physical illnesses; difficulty forming or maintaining intimate relationships ;unhealthy brain development and cognitive function [and] deviant, problematic, or dangerous sexual behavior。”
这项将色情片宣布为“公共健康危机”的议案,列举了暴露于色情内容,特别是可以通过互联网接触到的硬核视频,所带来的危险。主要包括,观看色情内容与精神、身体疾病 的关系,与难以建立和保持亲密关系 的联系,与大脑不健康发育和认知功能及认知偏差 的关系,与有问题及危险性行为 的关系。
States, including Florida, tackle a different threat to teens: pornography (via yahoo.com)
此外,色情片对青少年的不良影响 也是乌达尔议案关注的重点。
Ms Udall‘s bill argues children being exposed to widely available porn on the internet can lead to“low self-esteem, eating disorders and an increase in problematic sexual activity at ever-younger ages”。
Arizona considering declaring porn a ‘public health crisis’ (via The Independent)
“If we really want to look at this, we should start with education。 It‘s embarrassing that we are one of the states thatdoes not have medically accurate sex education。 In testimony, they were trying to blame everything on pornography。 That is a stretch,” said Democrat Rep。 Pamela Powers Hannley, who is sponsoring a different bill, HB2577, that focuses on medically accurate sex education。
民主党众议员韩利表示:“如果我们真的想讨论这个问题,我们应该从教育开始。令人尴尬的是,从医学角度上讲没有准确的性教育 的州中,我们是其中之一。在证词中,他们试图将一切都归咎于色情内容。这是牵强附会。”韩利正是另一项法案的赞助者,该法案专注于从医学角度进行准确的性教育。
Arizona considers calling porn a public health crisis (via CNN)
此外,民主党还指出对色情片上瘾确实是个问题,但这项议案并没有科学证据 来证明亚利桑那州需要将色情片宣布为公共健康危机。
“There are statements in here that seemhyperbolic and unproven,” Democrat representative Kelli Butler said。 “I just don’t think there is necessarily the science to back up those claims。”
“这项议案里的陈述似乎有夸张之嫌且未经证实, ”民主党议员Kelli Butler说道,“我只是不认为一定有科学依据来支持这项主张。”
Arizona considering declaring porn a ‘public health crisis’ (via The Independent)
Crises are described as “time-sensitive” and crisis communication tends to occur when “an unexpected and threatening event requires an immediate response。”
The CDC has told CNN it “does not have an established position on pornography as a public health issue。 Pornography can be connected to other public health issues like sexual violence and occupational HIV transmission。”
美国疾病控制与预防中心向CNN表示,他们“对色情是否是公共健康的问题没有明确的立场 ,但色情可能与性暴力和职业性艾滋病毒传播等其他公共健康问题有关。”
Arizona considers calling porn a public health crisis (via CNN)
美国国家性虐待中心的高级副总裁兼执行总监Dawn Hawkins表示,该中心同意共和党的这一做法。
Hawkins said that some youthview pornography before they reach puberty, and it may be educating them about sex, which she said is disturbing because about 88% of porn videos depict physical aggression, according to a 2010 study published in the journal Violence Against Women。
Hawkins说一些青少年在进入青春期前就接触到色情制品。 色情制品可能教给他们一些性的知识。但她认为这扰乱了正确的性教育,因为根据2010年《Violence Against Women》刊登的一项研究结果,88%的色情影片描绘了身体上的攻击。
Emily Rothman, an associate professor at the Boston University School of Public Health, argues it is not so simple。
而波士顿大学公共健康卫生教授卢施曼(Emily Rothman)认为问题没那么简单。
“I think there are ‘public health implications’ of pornography,” Rothman said。 “But just like anything else, it matters what type of pornography we are talking about, who is watching it, why they are watching it, what they do with that experience, and how it interacts with any pre-existing problems they have going on, such as a propensity for violence。”
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