图文:巴基斯坦安全部队袭击一所宗教学校打死多名武装分子(1) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年10月30日23:44 新华网 |
图文:巴基斯坦安全部队袭击一所宗教学校打死多名武装分子(1) 10月30日,在巴基斯坦西北部城市哈尔附近,巴安全部队人员在武装分子的尸体旁警戒。巴安全部队当天凌晨发动袭击,摧毁了当地一所与“基地”组织有关的宗教学校,打死多名武装分子。 新华社发 [Caption]=Armed Pakistani law enforcement agency officials gather around dead bodies lying on traditional beds in Khar, the main town in Bajaur tribal agency, 30 October 2006. Pakistani helicopter gunships destroyed an Islamic school allegedly used as an Al-Qaeda-linked training camp near the Afghan border, killing up to 80 suspected militants, officials said. AFP PHOTO/STR [CaptionWriter]=fn/aq/fk [Imagetype]=3S |