
春节仪式感攻略 | 腊月二十九 16 must-celebrate days during Spring Festival: Couplets-pasting Day

春节仪式感攻略 | 腊月二十九 16 must-celebrate days during Spring Festival: Couplets-pasting Day
2024年02月09日 00:02 新浪新闻

  Editor's note:

  The Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, has been officially listed as a U.N. floating holiday as of 2024. This year, it falls on Feb. 10. To enjoy a traditional and fascinating Spring Festival, the most important festival for Chinese people, here are 16 days with unique traditions you won't want to miss this holiday season. 

  Day 8, Couplets-pasting Day (Feb. 8, 2024)

  The Couplets-pasting Day is on the 29th day of the 12th lunar month, two days before Spring Festival. This year, it falls on Feb. 8. On this day, families usually paste Spring Festival couplets, paintings of deities, New Year pictures and paper-cut window decorations in their homes to express their wishes for the new year.

  Day 7, Bread-steaming Day (Feb. 7, 2024)

  The Bread-steaming Day is on the 28th day of the 12th lunar month, three days before Spring Festival. This year, it falls on Feb. 7. Steamed bread was a must-have on this day in the past, serving as both a staple food and an offering for deities and ancestors. 

  In northern China, families usually make a large batch of steamed buns, freeze most of them, and eat the rest during Spring Festival when meeting with friends and family. The small dough balls on the steamer grow bigger and rounder, symbolizing wealth and auspiciousness. At the same time, the steam curling up in the pot also represents the auspicious meaning of "flourishing day by day."

  Day 6, Clothes-washing Day (Feb. 6, 2024)

  The Clothes-washing Day is on the 27th day of the 12th lunar month, four days before Spring Festival. This year, it falls on Feb. 6. People usually wash clothes, bedsheets, curtains and the like on this day. These activities symbolize washing away all the bad luck of the past year and welcoming in happiness and good luck for the coming year.



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