
跟着外交官游贵州 | 东瞧西瞧,不如来贵州看世界最高桥! Stop shilly-shallying, enjoy Guizhou’s grand bridges

跟着外交官游贵州 | 东瞧西瞧,不如来贵州看世界最高桥! Stop shilly-shallying, enjoy Guizhou’s grand bridges
2024年05月29日 09:30 新浪新闻


  夏季,毋庸多言,是贵州的旅游旺季。文化多彩、风物独特的贵州,可玩性太高。是一场色彩斑斓的多彩民族之旅、一趟登高远眺的拥抱大自然之行,还是一次走街串巷的city walk?有些眼花缭乱、难以抉择?


  Summer, without a doubt, is the peak tourist season in Guizhou. The province's rich cultural heritage and unique landscapes make it a fantastic destination. Whether you're looking for a vibrant ethnic cultural experience, a nature adventure with stunning views, or an urban exploration through the city's streets and alleys, Guizhou offers something for everyone, making it hard to decide where to start.

  To truly appreciate the beauty and excitement of colorful Guizhou, you have to experience it firsthand. So, why not follow the diplomat's recommendation and embark on a journey to discover the wonders of Guizhou?


  On May 16th, Wang Wenbin, the Spokesperson of China, posted on his Facebook account, “The world's highest bridge, Huajiang Grand Canyon Bridge in Guizhou, SW China is expected to be completed in 2025.”

我国外交部发言人汪文斌推介位于贵州的花江峡谷大桥 我国外交部发言人汪文斌推介位于贵州的花江峡谷大桥 

  Wang Wenbin, the Spokesperson of China, posted on his Facebook account





  Zhang Heqing, Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan and director of the Chinese Cultural Center in Pakistan, posted on his X account


  Chinese Embassy in Switzerland recommended Huajiang Grand Canyon Bridge on its X account, “In southwest China's Guizhou Province, the world's highest mountain bridge is under construction. It's 2,980 meters long and 625 meters above the water surface. Once completed, the bridge will cut the travel time across the Huajiang Grand Canyon from 70 minutes to 1 minute.”


  Chinese Embassy in Switzerland recommended Huajiang Grand Canyon Bridge on its X account



  贵州日报天眼新闻记者 赖盈盈

  编辑 陈大炜

  二审 庞博

  三审 闵捷



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