
从正阳书局看北京中轴线之美 Beijing Central Axis through books at Zhengyang Bookstore

从正阳书局看北京中轴线之美 Beijing Central Axis through books at Zhengyang Bookstore
2024年07月31日 01:02 新浪新闻

  Pagoda of Monk Wansong, located in Zhuanta Hutong, the oldest hutong in Beijing, on July 29, 2024. Originally built during the Yuan Dynasty, the Pagoda of Monk Wansong was elevated to nine stories during its reconstruction in the 18th year of Emperor Qianlong's reign (1753). The current structure, standing 16 meters tall, was rebuilt in 1927 with funds raised by Ye Gongchuo and others. [Photo by Fu Junhua / China.org.cn]



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