锦绣南京--南京的对外开放 | |||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004年03月11日11:05 南京龙虎网 | |||||||||
![]() ![]() 锦绣南京 外资Foreign Investment 南京实施大开放战略,开放型经济进一步发展,取得历史性突破。目前,全市已批准三资企业6360家,投产开业3142家,实际投入外资超过57亿美元。其中,2002年新批三资企业410家,新开业投产三资企业114家。来南京投资的国家和地区已达77个,一批国际上有影响的大公司、大企业、大财团纷至沓来,其中包括美国伊斯曼、德国巴斯夫、西门子、荷
By adopting the strategy of opening up more widely to the outside world, Nanjing has made outstanding achievements in developing an open economy. Up to now, 6360 foreign-invested enterprises have got approval from the city government; and 3142 of them have come into production or operation, with an actually used value of over US$5.7 billion foreign investment. In 2002, 410 new enterprises were approved, of which 114 have started or come into production. The foreign investment has come from 77 countries and regions. A batch of internationally reputable large companies, enterprises and consortiums have made investment in Nanjing one after the other, including Eastman (USA); BASF and Siemens (Germany); Shell and Philips (Holland); Itochu, Mitsui Bushan, Sharp and Toshiba (Japan); Ericsson (Sweden), Kumho Tire (South Korea) and Fiat (Italy). Of the imported projects, a high percentage of them are big ones. In 2002, the contracted foreign investment increased 261% compared with the same period over the previous year. 第六届世界华商大会于2001年9月在南京举行 外贸Foreign Trade 对外贸易保持稳步增长。南京现有近200个进出口企业、近100个有进出口经营权的生产企业,经营石油化工、五金矿产、机械、土畜产、轻工工艺、针纺织品、粮油等大类商品。2002年,全市进出口总额100.94亿美元,出口60.11亿美元。 There has been a steady growth in foreign trade. Now there are about 200 import and export companies, and about 100 manufacturers that have been authorized the power to do import-export business of their own products in Nanjing. Their import-export business covers petrochemical products, metals and minerals, machinery, native and animal products, light industrial and handicraft products, knitting and woven products, and oil and cereal products, etc. There are over 200 export goods each with an export value of over US$1 million a year. In 2002, the total volume of import and export value was US$10.094 billion, of which the total export value was US$6.011billion. 外经Foreign Economic Relations 南京与世界50多个国家和地区开展了建筑、通讯、电子、化工、机械、勘探、海运、卫生等30多个行业的劳务技术承包业务。南京在美国、新加坡、哥伦比亚等国建立了合资企业。2002年全市新签对外承包工程与劳务合作合同额3.37亿美元,完成对外承包工程与劳务合作营业额3.17亿美元。 Nanjing now is doing labor and technology contracting business with over 50 countries and regions in over 30 sectors, such as building construction, communication, electronics, chemical engineering, machinery, and survey and exploration, oceanic shipping ae from overseas projects and labor service cooperation reached US$317 million. 开发区建设Construction of the Development Zones 开发区建设进入了新的发展阶段。南京现有9个省级以上开发区,南京高新技术产业开发区、南京经济技术开发区、江宁经济技术开发区为国家级开发区,南京化学工业园享有国家级开发区政策,开发区已成为南京开放型经济发展的主要集聚地。 The construction of the economic development zones has entered a new stage. There are 9 development zones at the national or the provincial level. Nanjing high-tech industrial development zone, Nanjing economic and technological development zone, and the Jiangning economic and technological development zone are at the national level; and the Nanjing chemical industry park can enjoy the same favorable policies as the ones at the national level. The development zones have become the converging places for the export-oriented economy of Nanjing. 南京经济技术开发区一角 目前开发区累计开发面积78平方公里,投入基础设施建设资金70亿元,批准进区企业4600多家,其中外商投资企业近1000家,协议外资近30亿美元,实际投入外资已超过17亿美元,其中千万美元外商投资项目150个。 开发区在建设中注重特色创新,先后创办了IT产业园、生物医药工业园、江苏软件园等园区,产生了较大的资源集聚和市场效应,吸引了包括世界500强企业投资在内的一批技术密集型外资大项目进区落户。截止2002年底,共有美国、日本、德国等8个国家37家世界500强公司在宁投资兴办了70家企业,投资总额56.8亿美元。其中,美国有8家世界500强公司在宁投资兴办了10家企业。最近批准的南京化学工业园区,正按照“国际一流、全国第一”的标准,加速建设,将为外商投资提供一个高水准的创业平台。 At present, the total developed area of the development zones covers 70 square kilometers; the infrastructure construction has used up 7 billion yuan. Over 4600 enterprises have settled down in the development zones, of which about 1000 enterprises are foreign ones. The total contracted foreign investment is close to US$ 3 billion, and over US$1.7 billion has actually been invested in there. And there are 150 projects, each with an investment of over US$10 million. Now there are over 1100 enterprises from over 20 countries and regions, such as, Japan, Holland, Italy, France, USA, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, with a total investment of 31 billion yuan. 240 of all the enterprises are foreign ones with a total inv002, a total turnover of 26 billion yuan was earned from technology, industry and trade; with profit and tax 2.46 billion; and foreign exchange from its export US$555 million. The development zone now has become a main bio-pharmaceutical production base of Nanjing, and the largest production base of flat displayers in China. Great importance has been attached to the special characters and innovation for the construction of the development zones, IT industrial park, biological pharmaceutical medicine industrial park, and the Jiangsu Software Park have been set up one after the igh level for foreign investors. 国家级南京经济技术开发区成立于1992年,位于南京市北郊,北邻国内最大的内河外贸港——新生圩港,南接城区,与环城、沪宁、长江二桥高速连接,环北铁路直通开发区,具有独特的交通优势和区位优势。区内设有国家级南京新港高新技术工业园、国家级南京海峡两岸科工园和国家级出口加工区以及南京韩国工业园、南京生物医药科工园等园区。 南京经济技术开发区管委会办公区 目前入区企业来自日本、荷兰、意大利、法国、美国、韩国、台湾、香港20多个国家和地区共1100多家,总投资310亿元,其中外商投资企业240家,总投资28.7亿美元,合同利用外资23.8亿美元,实际利用外资7.9亿美元;投资1000万美元以上项目80多个,世界500强企业中有15家。2002年实现技工贸总收入260亿元、利税24.6亿元、出口创汇5.55亿美元。开发区现已成为南京市最主要的生物医药生产基地和全国最大的平板显示生产基地。 南京江宁经济技术开发区创办于1992年,1997年被批准为国家级高新技术产业开发区。 江宁经济技术开发区 开发区总规划面积317平方公里,总体布局分为五大部分:产业园区,高教科研区,生活区,绿化功能区,旅游度假区,已有来自美国、日本、瑞典、德国、澳大利亚、英国、法国、意大利、加拿大、菲律宾、新加坡、韩国、台湾、香港等21个国家和地区的1000多个项目进区落户,投资总额超过35亿美元,到位外资10亿多美元,投资额在1000万美元以上的大项目有85个,世界排名前500强的企业中已有16家进区。2002年全区已实现技工贸总收入303.6亿元,实现国内生产总值70.8亿元,出口创汇2.1亿美元,完成财政收入10.81亿元。 Nanjing Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone is a development zone that is the largest, equipped with the best community facilities and services and is developing the fastest in Nanjing. It was set up on June 18, 1992, and approved as a state-level high-tech industrial development zone on February 2, 1997. Its total planned area is 317 square kilometers, divided into five areas: industrial park, higher learning institutions and research institutes, residential area, the greens, and tourism and holiday resorts. Over 1000 projects from 21 countries and regions have settled down in the zone (from such countries and regions as USA, Japan, Sweden, Germany, Australia, Great Britain, France, Italy, Canada, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong), with a total investment of US$3.5 billion, actreign exchange of US$210 million from its export, and financial revenue of 1.081 billion yuan. 吸引外资Attraction for Foreign Investment 南京先后出台了多项鼓励外商投资的地方性法规,专门成立了为吸引和促进外商投资服务的信息咨询和服务机构——南京市招商服务中心、市外商投诉中心、市外商投资企业协会,并建立了涉外律师、会计、审计事务所,以及涉外医院、国际学校等,全面开展海外招商、多种代理和综合配套服务。在南京市外商投资企业中,推行联合年检制度、收费登记制度、评议政府部门制度和市领导与跨国公司经营者定期会晤制度;在开发区推行“一站式服务”和扎口收费;设立海关监管点;为外资企业从上海港进出口货物提供“一次报关,一次查验,一次放行”的快捷通关;各类银行金融机构,为外资企业提供方便、及时的金融服务。 In recent years, Nanjing municipal government has promulgated a number of local regulations and rules that are meant to attract foreign investment with favorable conditions. Correspondingly, some special departments and service centers have been set up to provide informational consultancy service: such as, Nanjing Business Service Center, Nanjing center for taking complains from foreign businessmen, Nanjing Foreign Investors Association; and offices of lawyers, accountants and auditors offering services for foreign businessmen have also been set up, and multiple agencies and comprehensive services, including hospitals and international schools. For the foreign investors and businessmen in Nanjing, the government has adopted several special practices concerning foreign investment and business, such as, an annual combined check-up system, fee collection registration system, evaluation of the governmental work, and the system of periodical meetings between the municipal officials and the operators of the transnaNanjing Ericsson Panda Communication Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between the Swedish Ericsson Group and Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., which has been approved by the Planning Commission of China. It is the first joint venture that Ericsson Group set up inNanjing Jilun Condiment Corp., Ltd. is a Chinese-foreign joint venture invested by Singapore Fuda Food Group Corp., Ltd., with a total investment of US$20 million. It is a garden like modern enterprise. In January 2003, the Corp. has passed the QS authentication, having become one of the first batch of corporations that have been issued with food production license in China. 南京爱立信熊猫通信有限公司是经国家计委批准与瑞典爱立信集团合作成立的中外合资企业,是瑞典爱立信集团在中国最早成立的合资企业,同时也是爱立信在华规模最大的系统供应中心。南京爱立信熊猫的长远目标是成为爱立信全球供应系统中包括了软件、硬件和服务在内的优秀的供应商,并致力于提供超越客户期望值的服务。 南京机轮调味品有限公司,是由新加坡福达食品集团有限公司投资成立的中外合作企业,位于南京经济技术开发区内,总投资2000万美元,是一座花园式现代化企业。在2003年1月,公司又率先通过了QS认证,成为全国第一批获得食品生产许可证的企业之一。 国际交往International Exchanges 南京目前与日本名古屋、美国圣路易斯、意大利佛罗伦萨等12个城市结为友好城市,在经济、贸易、科技、文化、教育等领域开展了广泛的交流与合作。与美国、日本、韩国及欧盟国家的交流与合作十分活跃,国际大公司和高规格代表团来访频繁,有400多家国外商社来宁设立了办事机构。 Nanjing has now established friendly relationships with 12 foreign cities like Nagoya (Japan), St. Louis (USA) and Florence (Italy), carrying out extensive exchanges and cooperation in the areas of economy, trade, science and technology, culture and education. Very active exchanges and cooperation have been made between Nanjing and the counterparts of USA, Japan, South Korea and the countries of European Union. High level delegations from large international companies visit Nanjing frequently; and over 400 foreign companies or institutions have set up their offices in Nanjing. 相关专题:南京世界历史文化名城博览会 | |||||||||