北京凯诚高清电子技术有限公司简介 | |||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年08月13日18:02 新浪科技 | |||||||||
北京凯诚高清电子技术有限公司是注册在中关村的一家高科技民营企业,在国家的有关部门和北京市政府的支持下,专业从事音视频领域的基础研究和应用技术。凯诚高清科技团队在过去的五年里完成了高清视频压缩算法HD12的技术研究并开发了基于HD12的芯片和HDV(High Definition Video)整机。凯诚高清把HDV定义为新一代高清数字信息家电。HDV不仅具备高清视频播放功能,还具有互联网的浏览和下载功能。
凯诚高清坚信一条朴素的理念:不断积累平凡的工作。可以创造奇迹。以凯诚高清为龙头,带动中百信数字技术有限公司和众多节目商、版权商形成的HDV产业,已初具规模。目前已完成了超过300部高清数字节目的制作并投放市场。现在HDV高清晰数字节目正以每周10部的速度在向市场推广。在对节目内容保护、盘片保护和网络节目保护方面,凯诚高清都有独到的专利技术。 凯诚高清将沿着数字高清、超强压缩、安全保护、网络应用、无线传输、超级音视频应用和互动游戏的市场方向,不断进取,为千家万户带来更多相聚时间欣赏高清晰数字电影,共享天伦之乐。 通讯地址:北京丰台区南方庄1号安富大厦19层 邮编:100078 电话:010-67686995,67695924传真:010-67687359www.hdv.com.cn Introduction of K-City High Definition Electronic Technology Co., Ltd Beijing K-City High Definition Electronic Technology Company is a high-tech private enterprise which registered in Zhong Guan Cun, Under the support of associate department of nation and Bei Jing municipal administration, specialty engage in basic research and application technology of multimedia field. In past five years, team of K-city finished the research work of HD12 high Definition video compress algorithm, and developed the chip and HDV(High Definition Video)player base on HD12.K-city define the HDV as the new generation high definition digital info appliance for home.Not only have the function for playing high definition video,but also HDV have the function for accessing internet and downloading movies. K-City believe a simplicity conception: unceasing accumulate ordinary work, will create miracle. With the lead of K-city, drive Zhong Bai Xin digital company and many act and indite trade, the HDV industry had some scope. Now over 300 movies are finished and put in market, and have the speed as the 10 movies per week extending to market. At the technology of protecting movies, disc and network movie, K-city have own patent. K-city will along the market direction which have the characters: digital high definition, high compression, safe protection, network application, wireless transmission, super multimedia application and mutual game, to bring more chance for home to gather and enjoy high definition digital movie. ADDRESS: FL19 An Fu Tower Feng Tai District Beijing POST CODE: 100078 TEL: 86-10-67686995, 67695924 FAX:67687359 www.hdv.com.cn 相关专题:中关村百家民企誓师自主创新产业报国 | |||||||||