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百越(北京)国际文化发展有限公司简介 2006年08月15日14:36 今天的中国




  The Brief Introduction of

  Phoenix International Production Co., Ltd.

  Phoenix International Production Co., Ltd. (PIPC) is established in 2002, which is a large-scale media production corporation founded by senior media producers and businessmen.

  The PIPC involves producing and issuing TV programs and movies, renting equipments for TV and movie making, communicating culture management in international domain and so on. We also set up a co-corporation in Los Angeles.

  The PIPC has the abundant fund, widespread social-relations and an outstanding creative troop. One of the PIPC’s large items is a forty-episode TV series telling a legendry Chinese story (Tea Pot), and the series has been shown at CCTV in the fall of 2005. Another item is a TV interviewing program named “China Today” which has been showing on Saturday at Shanghai Dragon Satellite TV Station and channels abroad.

  The PIPC also vigorously props up youth movie directors, provides a good platform to the ambitious youth directors and invested some movies, e.g. “Teeth of Love” and so on.

  Recently, the PIPC is producing some other TV series and movies cooperating with CCTV and other TV stations or film studios. The PIPC has always been working on excellent TV programs and movies for all the Chinese speaking regions around the world.


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