新闻中心新浪首页 > 新闻中心 > 国内新闻 > 2006年连州国际摄影年展专题 > 正文

连州国际摄影年展总策展人段煜婷简介(英文) 2006年11月28日13:21 新浪文化

  Echo Yuting, Duan

  Unit 722, Garden Tower 368, Huanshi Dong Lu, Guangzhou, China, 510064

  Mobile: 86-1350-000-8370 Tel: 86-20-8333-8999 ext. 722 Fax: 86-20-8365-2633


  Profession Highlights


  Founder, Director/Chief Curator of Lianzhou International Photo Festival known as China’s most representitive and professional photo festival

  Reviewer, FOTOBILD 2006

  Planner and Curator of Chinese Photography Exhibition for Moscow House of Photography

  Curator and Editor of 50-Year History of Chinese Photography

  Specially invited participant from China of FOL seminar FotoFest 2006

  Lecturer of Photography, Department of Communication, Zhongshan University School of Communication and Design

  Top 10 Figures of Chinese Photography 2005


  Photo Director of News Express, China, Organizer of many important photography seminars and Photography Critic in China, 1998-2004

  Student of the Chinese Master Class, World Press Photo Fundation, 2001-2003

  Femal Workers in Southern China, exhibited in Pingyao International Photography Festival 2003

  Femal Workers in Southern China and Lost Garden, exhibited in Europe and Asia, 2004

  Editor of Chinese Story, Photography of people’s life in 20th century, 2000

  Organizer of Senior Seminar of Photojournalism, Southern China, 1998

  Editor and Columnist of Photography Theory Column of People’s Photography, China’s most authentic photographic journal, 1996-1998

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