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甩手不管(双语加油站●跟我学) 2006年07月30日04:17 环球时报


  误译:As the work is not completed yet, you can't swing your hands and ignore it.

  正译:1) As the work is not completed yet, you can't wash your hands of

it.2) As you haven't finished your work, you can't refuse to take any more responsibility for it.

  解释:这句话的“甩手”不是原义“前后摆动手”的意思,而是比喻意义,即“扔下工作或事情,不管不问”。“甩”还可以构成中国文化独有的说法,具有喻义,例如:1. 他一甩袖子,就走了。Flinging up his sleeve in impatience, he walked off.

  “甩”的第一个意思是“摆动、挥动或抡动身体部位或物件”。英语可以用 to throw, to swing, to fling表示。例如:

  2. 他一甩手,说:“我不干了!” With a swing of his hand, he said, "I won't do it any more!"

  3. 这匹马不停地甩尾巴以驱赶苍蝇。The horse kept swinging its tail to drive away the flies.

  “甩”的第二个意思是“抛出或扔出物件”。英语用 to throw, to fling表示。例如:

  4. 他把一个空瓶子甩出窗外。He threw an empty bottle out of the window.

  “甩”的第三个意思是“抛开或摆脱人或物,不再与其接触”。英语用to leave sb behind, to throw off, to cast off表示。例如:5. 让我们等他一下吧,别把他一个人甩在后面。Let's wait for him awhile, and not leave him behind alone. 6. 他把女朋友甩了。

  1) He cast off his girlfriend capriciously/unfeelingly.

  2) He jilted his girlfriend.

  3) He gave his girlfriend the brush-off.

  7. 这个地下工作者把盯梢的特务甩掉了。The underground worker threw off the spy who had been tailing him.

  8. 她甩掉了思想包袱。She abandoned her mental burden.▲



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