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撮一顿(双语加油站●跟我学) 2006年10月18日00:03 环球时报


  误译:Yesterday evening, some of my friends and I had a meal in a nearby restaurant.


  1)Yesterday evening, some of my friends and I had a good/full/hearty meal in a nearby restaurant.

  2)Yesterday evening, some friends of mine and I had a square dinner in a restaurant near by.

  3) Last night, some of my friends had a substantial dinner with me at a restaurant in our neighbourhood.

  解释:“撮一顿”,有“饱餐一顿”或“大吃一顿”的含义,仅译为 to have a meal 是不够的。可以译为to have a good/full/hearty/ square/substantial meal/dinner。

  “撮”的基本意思是“用铁锹或簸箕等工具聚拢颗粒状或散碎物品”。英语可以用to gather,to scoop up with a dustpan or a shovel表示。例如:扫完地以后,我从地上用簸箕撮走了垃圾。After I swept the floor, I scooped up the refuse from it with a dustpan.

  “撮合”的意思是“介绍促成男女或买卖双方聚拢”。英语可以用to fix A up with B, to match A to B 表示。例如:这位热心的“红娘”将这个青年男子与这个青年女子撮合在一起。This warm-hearted match-maker fixed up the young man with the young woman.

  “撮” 另外一个意思是“用手指捏起细碎东西”。英语用to take a pinch of 表示。例如:她撮了一点儿味精,放进汤里。She took a pinch of gourmet powder and put it into the soup.“撮”另外的第三个意思是“摘取要点“。英语用to outline essential points表示。例如:这个秘书将报告撮要向领导上报。The secretary submitted an outline of the report to his leaders.“撮”第四个意思是用作量词。英语用a pinch of, a tuft of, a handful of表示。例如:这位老人在下巴留了一撮胡子。This old man wears a tuft of beard under/beneath his lower lip. ▲



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