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德国总理施罗德因反对伊战获诺贝尔和平奖提名 2005年08月24日14:58 中国日报网站





  Schroeder nominated for Nobel peace prize

  23 August 2005

  OSLO - German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has been nominatedforthe Nobel peace prize, well-informed sources said Tuesdaywhencontacted by Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

  Nobel literature laureate Guenter Grass of Germany, who wonthe1999 literature prize, said Monday that he considered Schroederacandidate for the peace prize over his opposition toallowingGermany to participate in the U.S. led attack on Iraq.

  The most recent German national to win the prestigious peaceprizewas Willy Brandt, the late Social Democratic Chancellorandpolitician, who won the award in 1971.

  A record 199 nominations including 166 individual nomineeswerereported to be under

  consideration for the 2005 award.

  The peace prize, worth 10 million kronor (EUR 1.25 million),willbe announced October 14 in Oslo, Norway.

  Other names mentioned were former U.S. Secretary of StateColinPowell, renowned musician Ravi Shankar of India, Russianhumancenters activist Sergei Kovalyov, and Chinese dissidentWeiJingsheng and previous nominees such as former CzechpresidentVaclav Havel, Israeli nuclear whistle-blower MordechaiVanunu, andBono of the Irish rock group U2.

  Parliamentarians, academics, former peace prize laureatesandcurrent and former mrs of the Norwegian Nobel Committee havethecenter to nominate candidates.

  The committee that selects the final winner advises nominatorsnotto announce their proposals. However, there are no rulesagainst theprocedure thus leaving plenty of room for speculationbefore theannouncement.


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