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戴尔英语大家学 2005年08月25日09:16 检察日报

  原文:APCIA Director Porter Goss personally delivered toCongressthe findings of the agency's inspector general report ontheattacks of Sept. 11 2001 opening a debate about how much ofthehighly classified and critical document should be madepublic.


  原文Reuters The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission onTuesdaycharged two former top Kmart executives with misleadinginvestorsabout the company's financial condition in the monthspreceding its2002 bankruptcy.


  原文ReutersRepresentatives from some 900 unions said onTuesdaythey would start organizing workers in several countriestopressure multinational companies like retailer Wal-Mart StoresInc.for better benefits and wages.


  原文The GuardianAstraZeneca the Anglo-Swedishpharmaceuticalsgroupis considering closing its operations inSweden if proposedlegislation to curb animal testing isimplemented.


  关键词:implement'implimnt,用做名词时,意为“工具”,如:farmingimplements农具,flintand bronzeimplements石器和铜器。用做动词时,意为“实现,完成,履行”等,如:The committee'sdecisionswill be implemented immediately.委员会的决定将立即执行。

  与implement组成的法律短语有:implement of gambling赌具,implementofpunishment刑具,implement of robbery行劫工具。



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