
2022 CCISTC卓越理念全球论文竞赛圆满落幕

2022 CCISTC卓越理念全球论文竞赛圆满落幕
2022年09月19日 09:40




  颁奖仪式于2022年9月11日12:00【英国时间】举行,来自世界各国的获奖学员以及剑桥大学剑桥科文中心代表,评委会代表共同出席本次活动。在剑桥科文中心Jackie老师简短的开幕式后,由剑桥大学剑桥科文中心执行主任,剑桥大学Michael周博士、剑桥科文中心联席主任Clive Wilkins教授以及剑桥大学比较认知学讲席教授、英国皇家学会院士、剑桥科文中心创始主任Nicola Clayton教授分别揭晓了竞赛三等奖至一等奖的获奖名单,并进行线上颁奖仪式,每位同学均发表了精彩的获奖感言。


  I would like to thank the CCISTC for organizing this amazing events. And I would also love to thank the supervisor for his kind complements and constructive feedback on my essay. During my presentation I had so much fun writing my essay because it was on a topic for which I had so much passion for, and one that has great relevance to the world today.


  When I first saw this competition I was very excited that I could have someone read and evaluate my writing. Being shortlisted and invited to a zoom presentation with like an unexpected dream for me. Thank you, the panel of judges, for reading my essay and listening to my presentation, and I really really hope to see you soon at Cambridge as a freshman.


  I had so much fun writing my essay because it was on a topic for which I had so much passion for, and one that helped great relevance to the world today. And having this chance to really sit and present this topic itself, made me feel this competition such a valuable experience for me, but that my essay was regarded as deserving of a prize was really beyond my expectations, so I'm really humble to be awarded tonight.


  My dream is to study cutting-edge medicine, whether in biology or chemistry.And I think this essay computation provides me with a special opportunity, which also lays a foundation for my future study in life science. Now my heart, in addition to joy, more is moved, so I hope I can carry out the academic research in the University with the modest heart.


  Nicola Clayton教授发表演讲

  Speech from Pro. Nicola Clayton

  Nicola Clayton教授对所有参会的获奖选手发表了讲话,肯定了所有参与竞赛同学们的积极努力,并为大家未来的成就提出了美好的期望,她这样说道:I am overjoyed and excited to see you so young, but with such shining and forward thinking ideas and heightened vision, and I was struck from the bottom of my heart when I read your essays, and I want to tell you that I am proud to have such outstanding young people in the future!

  I hope that everyone here will keep up the good work, and I am sure that in the future I will see you all shining in different fields, I am so sure and I am looking forward to that day!





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