新浪网《法制晚报》联合征集“抗战寻证”线索 | ||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年06月02日21:30 法制晚报 | ||||||||
新浪网、《法制晚报》联合征集“抗战寻证”线索(日文版) 70多年前,日军铁蹄无情地践踏了中国的大好河山,亿万中华儿女从此开始了艰苦卓绝、气吞山河的抗战历程。日军侵华,罪恶累累,罪行昭昭,罪证如山。岁月流逝,无情的风雨侵蚀不了钉在耻辱柱上的罪恶,虚妄的狡辩遮盖不了那段发霉生锈的侵华史。 今天,当我们拨开历史的浮尘,俯拾日军侵华留下的人证、物证,展开我们的“追思”和“寻证”之旅时,我们发现,历史,竟是那样真实
…… 今年是中国人民抗日战争胜利60周年,为了更好地回忆历史、缅怀先人,从现在起到9月中旬,新浪网联合北京《法制晚报》将开辟“抗战寻证”系列专题报道。我们将在全世界征集民间收藏的与抗日战争有关的书籍、纪念品、文物或有关证人的线索,根据您提供的有价值的线索,我们将深入进行调查采访,专题报道将在新浪网和《法制晚报》重点版面进行刊登。 纪念抗战,离不开您的参与。您有哪些线索,或有什么好的建议,请及时来电来信联系。让我们用如椽巨笔,用我们心中激荡的爱国情怀,来表达我们缅怀历史、放眼未来的共同心愿。我们同时将对有价值的新闻线索提供者进行奖励。多谢您的热情支持和参与! 本活动全球合作媒体: 日本《中文导报》、美国《星岛日报》、《侨报》,新加坡《联合早报》, 马来西亚《光华日报》,菲律宾《商报》,法国《欧洲时报》 联系人:张雅行、吕玉刚 电话:010-58635407、58635340 传真:010-58635346 电子邮件:zxuesong@126.com Sina.com and Beijing Mirror ask for “Evidences on Anti-Japan War” clues More than 70 years ago, Japanese aggressors’ iron heels trampled on Chinese beautiful lands mercilessly. Thousands of millions of Chinese began the extremely hard and bitter but full of daring resistance course from then on. Japanese aggressors have committed innumerable crimes on Chinese people. Their crimes are so numerous, their crime acts are so clear and the evidences against them are so irrefutable. Time passes, even merciless wind and rain can’t erode the evils nailed on the shameful pole. The unfounded sophistry can not hide that part of invading history although it nearly gets rusty and mouldy. Today, as we push the floating dust of history aside and bow to collect the material evidence and testimony of witnesses that Japanese troops had left, as we launch our “recalling” and tour of “seeking for evidences”, we found that the history was so true. …… It is the 60th anniversary of Chinese people’s Anti-Japan war victory this year. In order to remember in history and cherish ancestors, Sina.com and Beijing “Mirror” newspaper are going to open up “Evidences on Anti-Japan War” serial special reports from now on to mid-September. We are calling up books, souvenir, historical relic or clue about personage related to Anti-Japan War among the people all over the word. We will make thorough interviews and investigations according to valuable clues you offer. The special reports will be published on Sina.com and key layouts of “Mirror” newspaper. To commemorate the War of Resistance against Japan, it is due to your participation. If you have some clues or good advices, please contact us with e-mail or telephone as soon as possible. Let us use our pen with patriotic feelings that agitate in our hearts to express our common wish of cherishing the history and taking a broad view in the future. We will reward the valuable news clue provider at the same time. Thank you for your enthusiasm for supporting and participating in! Contact: Zhang Yaxing Lv Yugang Tel: 010-58635407 58635340 Fax: 010-58635346 E-mail: zxuesong@126.com 相关专题:抗战寻证 | ||||||||