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宰人(双语加油站●跟我学) 2006年10月26日00:05 环球时报


  误译:It is too expensive. You are killing people.


  1)It is too expensive. You are overcharging!

  2)It is too expensive. You are charging too much!

  解释:to kill people 的意思是“将人致死”。而这句话的“宰人”是夸张说法,指“索高价,多收钱”。

  “宰”的第一个意思是“杀家禽或牲畜”。英语用to kill, to butcher, to slaughter表示。例如:当地老百姓杀猪宰羊慰劳八路军战士。 The local people butchered pigs and sheep to express their gratitude to the Eighth Route Army soldiers.

  “宰割”比喻欺凌压榨。英语用 to trample upon, to ride/run roughshod over 表示。例如:我们决不能任人宰割。We can by no means allow ourselves to be trampled upon.

  “宰”的第二个意思是“向顾客索取高价”。英语用to make sb pay too much for sth, to overcharge, to charge too much, to fleece表示。

  例如:这个店老板常常宰熟。The shop boss often overcharges his familiar customers.

  这个旅游景点的一些小商贩以宰客而臭名远扬。Some small traders at this tourist spot are notorious for their overcharging customers.

  这个外地人在当地的一家商店购物时挨宰了。This outsider was fleeced when he was shopping in a local shop.

  这个黑导游与商店主人串通一气宰游客。This illegal guide acted in close collaboration with the shop owner to overcharge the tourists.


  1)I was overcharged by 50 yuan.

  2)I was charged 50 yuan more than I should pay.▲



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