(SHANGHAI) – Hines, the global real estate firm, today announced that One Museum Place in Shanghai is a winner of the 2022 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence.国际房地产开发商汉斯集团于2022年6月21日宣布,其位于上海的项目博华广场荣获2022年度 ULI亚太区卓越奖桂冠。

The ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence recognises excellence in land use practice and the full development process of a project beyond its architecture or design. It not only evaluates projects for their high standard of excellence across a range of disciplines – architecture, design, planning, construction, resiliency, economics, management, and more – but also their positive impact on their community and environment. ULI亚太卓越奖致力于表彰在土地使用实践和整个开发阶段中拥有卓越表现的项目,它突破了对建筑物及设计本身的评价,不仅评估项目在建筑、设计、规划,建造,可持续性,经济、管理等一系列准则内的高标准表现情况,还评估它们对所在社区和环境的积极正面影响。

As the first in mainland China to receive both LEED and WELL Platinum ratings as well as RESET Air Certification for Core & Shell, One Museum Place is one of the greenest super high-rise buildings in the country. Located in the heart of downtown Shanghai, the transit-oriented property was designed and built to the highest specifications of quality, operations, and sustainability and was commended for its focus on providing a world-class work environment for tenants and a lifestyle-oriented amenity for the community. In addition, One Museum Place offers its tenants international-level property management and customer services, with a focus on providing five-star service and hospitality.博华广场是汉斯集团贯彻环保绿色理念的超高层建筑代表之一,同时获得了LEED铂金级、WELL铂金级认证和“RESET Air (Core & Shell)”室内空气质量认证。这座公共交通导向型(TOD)的开发项目坐落于上海黄金核心地段,以质量、运营、可持续发展的最高规格进行设计和建造,致力于为租户提供世界级的工作环境和以社群生活方式导向的便利设施。此外,博华广场以五星级的服务和接待,为租户提供国际一流的物业管理和客户服务。

“People are in the centre of all that we do at Hines, which is always a good starting point for all our projects,” says Tina He, managing director of Shanghai, Hines. “One Museum Place was built to provide an efficient and convivial space for our tenants and the public with the project’s expansive gardens, terraces, and interior public spaces. We also regularly invest in special volunteer activities and charity events to engage and inspire the community, which makes our first ULI Award for Excellence in the region even more meaningful.” 汉斯集团上海博华广场执行董事贺喜霞女士说道:“汉斯的核心理念是以人为本,这一理念是我们开发和管理所有项目的重要出发点。博华广场拥有舒适的室内公共空间、广阔的户外花园和露台,旨在为租户和公众提供一个高效和自在愉悦的场所。与此同时,我们还定期举办志愿者和公益活动,从而与周边社群进行联动。这也使得我们在亚太区荣获的第一个ULI卓越奖显得更有意义。”

“Sustainability is always a top priority in all that we do at Hines. One Museum Place prioritised sustainability right at the beginning with the design and it remains key in our operations – through its energy-efficient systems, indoor air quality technologies, water recapture systems, green roof, and more,” says James Morrison, Head of ESG at Hines Asia Pacific. “We manage the carbon footprint of buildings we develop and will strive to ensure that we provide green, livable spaces to our tenants and communities.”汉斯集团亚太区ESG负责人James Morrison说道:“可持续发展一直是我们工作中的重中之重,博华广场在设计初期就将可持续发展设为优先项,并在项目运营时更将其持续作为关键重点,我们对包括节能系统、室内空气质量技术、水回收系统、绿色屋顶等一系列指标进行管理和监测, 我们对集团所开发建筑的碳足迹进行管理,保证为我们的租户和社区不间断地提供绿色、宜居的空间。”

The ULI Asia Pacific Award for Excellence adds to One Museum Place’s illustrious list of accolades, which include the Sustainability Achievement of the Year by RICS China Awards 2021 Excellence as well as Best Green Development from MIPIM Asia Pacific Awards 2019.ULI亚太卓越奖的获得为博华广场的获奖历程中再添浓墨重彩的一笔。博华广场已获荣誉还包括:RICS中国2021年度可持续发展成就奖、2019年MIPIM亚太区最佳绿色开发项目。
About HinesHines is a privately owned global real estate investment firm founded in 1957 with a presence in 285 cities in 28 countries. Hines oversees investment assets under management totaling approximately $90.3 billion¹. In addition, Hines provides third-party property-level services to 373 properties totaling 114.2 million square feet. Historically, Hines has developed, redeveloped or acquired approximately 1,530 properties, totaling over 511 million square feet. The firm currently has more than 198 developments underway around the world. With extensive experience in investments across the risk spectrum and all property types, and a foundational commitment to ESG, Hines is one of the largest and most-respected real estate organizations in the world.
¹Includes both the global Hines organization as well as RIA AUM as of December 31, 2021. ¹包括全球Hines机构以及截止至2021年12月31日的RIA AUM 数据。